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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. Unreleased prototype, no scent description given.


    Google says that Hermes Trismegistus (Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-great Hermes"; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is the representation of the combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. In Hellenistic Egypt, the Greeks recognised the congruence of their God Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Subsequently the two gods were worshiped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.


    When I first smelled this at DD, my nose was getting pretty tired and smelled vaguely woody and incense like.


    Now that I have come home and was able to take my time and sniff with a refreshed nose, I am getting lavender with maybe a little vanilla and sandalwood.

  2. Highly stylized, stark, and filled with vivid, dark symbolism, these films employed bizarre, striking geometry and mise en scène to convey mood and tell their tale. Examples: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, M, Der Golem, Schatten - Eine nächtliche Halluzination.

    Casket dust, black musk and khus, musty velvet, black pine needle, patchouli, myrrh, and black pepper.

    Sniffing from the bottle, the first whiff was pine needle. I also picked up the black musk and a teeny bit of Patchouli. Very dark!

  3. Bitch is a whole lot of geranium. Maybe a teeny bit of verbena. I have been wearing it in my scent locket all week because of PMS headaches and it helps IMMENSELY.

  4. In the bottle: Lavender (of course!) and verbena. Maybe a little peach. It has a bright, tart, fruity edge. Could be both the lemon verbena and the peach. There is a deep bottom that could be the sage. Not getting any tansy, cypress, or life everlasting.


    Wet on skin: The verbena is coming out to play but the lavender is keeping pace.


    Dry on skin: Lavender and Lemon verbena. Relaxing and happy. Purple and yellow. Teeny bit of sage in the background.


    very nice!!!

  5. In the bottle: Strawberries! And rose. Sad that I can't smell the huckleberries. I have lived in the Huckleberry capitol forever (we have huckleberry EVERYTHING -- soap, ice cream, jam, jelly, pies, etc.) I go huckleberry picking often. So I am very familiar with their scent, and it is not here to my sad nose. :/


    Wet on skin: The frankincense is coming out a little, making it more dark and smoky. The anise is making a bit of an appearance and the violet is also becoming apparent. The strawberry and rose are still there, but everyone is blending together now.


    Dry on skin: Darker and deeper than the sniff from the bottle. So far everyone is playing equally. Love!

  6. In bottle: Bright tart berry goodness. This reminds me of a juice or a candy but I can't think of what exactly at the moment. Maybe it will come to me later. Sweet, yet tart, and a little chalky. Like maybe bottlecaps candy??


    Wet on skin: Tartness goes away a bit. Sweet candy.


    Dry on skin: Same as wet. Most things don't morph on me.


    I was hoping for more patchouli.... but it is still very lovely!

  7. In bottle: Helllooo Sassafras! And who is your friend? Mandrake? Goats rue? Quite the odd friend.


    Wet on skin: Whew. Your weird friend has left the building.


    Dry on skin: Mostly sassafras. Sweet and creamy. Maybe the fig is sweetening it up a bit? I can't really detect any geranium or juniper, let alone Goats Rue or Mandrake (not sure what those smell like, to be honest.)


    It smells MUCH BETTER on the skin than in the bottle. I was scared for a second. :D

  8. In bottle: Frankincense, chamomile, teeny bit of woody goodness


    Wet on skin: A bit of the coconut and orris root are making their appearance, but mostly cedar.


    Dry on Skin: Cedar with a dry dusty hint in the background. A sweet exhale. The rest of the notes are so well blended that it is difficult to pick them out individually.


    A very pleasant blend. Very similar in feel to Bony Moon, imo.
