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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. I haven't edited them yet, but I finally got off my donkey and took photos of the last months worth of BPAL, including all of the halloweenies. They are on flickr, of course.


    Halloweenies 2009 (all of the Halloweenies, Pumpkin patch & Tattie Bogle, and all of the Vampires) are here on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/miss_twilight...57622240917425/


    My BPAL sets are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/miss_twilight...57606846994887/

  2. All shipped means (on CCNOW) is that your account was charged and the order was "shipped" (we refer to it as "harvested") to the lab for fulfillment. Don't expect a CNS for a few weeks after harvesting. :D


    A few weeks? WOW. I guess that is all well and good, and I'm normally semi-patient, but I couldn't help having a little case of curiosity-kills-the-cat when I see the most recent posts in the CnS thread look like this:


    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/14, Shipped: 8/14

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/6, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/18, Shipped: 8/18

    Ordered: 8/6, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/17

    Ordered: 8/5, CnS: 8/17, Shipped: 8/18


    I know I should at least give it another few days before questioning it, but still... I can't help but be curious as to how it all works. What determines some people getting a CnS before others?


    The Lab's web page states that shipping time is 14-21 days. For a while I would order around the lunacy and get my CNS around the next lunacy or maybe a little before. Shipping was really fast recently in between huge updates.


    Things being backordered would impact who gets a CNS before someone else. Ordering via PayPal as opposed to CCNOW seems to have an impact (although slight) as those seem to be grouped together.


    I've kept a spreadsheet for the past two years of when I placed my order, what payment method I used, when my bank was charged, when I got a CNS, and when I received my package. So I'm not just pulling things out of my butt, as it were.


    But the whole point is -- it doesn't matter that CCNOW says "SHIPPED". That doesn't mean your item is shipped from BPAL. It means it was sent to BPAL.

  3. I am disappointed that mine is not all mint!


    In the bottle: Dirt.


    Wet on skin: Dirt and a teeny bit of mint.


    Dry on skin: Mint and ... dirt. It's not SUPER minty, but not SUPER dirty either. As it dries more, the mint starts to take over. This is not peppermint. It's sweeter. More of a spearmint or one of those mint hybrids. I can feel the cooling sensation in my nose of all places, and a little on my lips where they brushed my skin while sniffing. My arm is vaguely feeling the mint numb tingle but only very slightly. I didn't slather, though, just lightly tested from the cap.


    On the exhale I am still getting dirt. Not sure I like this. I love mint but I don't really like dirt.

  4. I just finished taking photos. You can see them on my flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/miss_twilight/


    Convergence bottles, Berry Moon, the most recent Vintages and Prototypes from Cobwebs 3, a few Atmospheric Spray prototype bottles, some of the teaser cards for Sunbird and 15 Painted Cards from a Vampire Tarot, as well as a few assorted bottles of other things.

  5. My bottles have been piling up but I just have been either too busy, had company, or been hurt. Well, I'm still hurt but photo taking is low impact. :lol:


    SO without further ado, I have added Warrior Queen perfumes, The Death of Sardanapal, four Carnival Noir scents, Chaste Moon, Spooky, Snow White 2004, Trick #1, Trick #2, and Lilith and the Jaracho.


    I will be taking some photos of the bath oils next. (And then it's on to the yarn and updating my stash on ravelry.)

  6. So I saw that the Lab posted an auction for Krampus. And reading the description again I figured I should see how mine has aged since I purchased it, which was around Christmas of 2007.


    In the bottle: YES -- MY RED MUSK.


    On my skin: First it's all red musk. As it dries, the leather comes out a bit. It reminds me of the leather in Le Pere Fouettard. But with RED MUSK. Needless to say, it has aged WONDERFULLY.


    :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


  7. This smells like a blend of Peppermint, Spearmint, and a teeny amount of Chocolate Mint to me. It isn't "sweet" by any means, it is chilling and cooling. But it has the same richness that the chocolate mint in my garden has, along with peppery peppermint and the sweeter spearmint.


    edit: Later that night... I also second that there might be pennyroyal in this. I'm getting that vibe now. I use pennyroyal EO on bug bites. :D And lavender EO too.

  8. I love patchouli! I love most of the notes in this! I loved it in the bottle!


    But on my skin it goes a little weird... and it reminds me of a scratch and sniff sticker... but I can't think which fragrance.


    I need to try again at a different point in my cycle, methinks.

  9. This is a delicate and light fragrance. At the beginning I get mostly sandalwood and light musk. There is also a faint tart bottom note that reminds me a little of White Rose but I can't pick out what it is. This goes away after an hour or two.


    I believe it is the orris that is coming out and making this a little dusty and powdery rather than smoky.


    Doesn't seem to have a lot of throw -- I keep huffing my wrists.

  10. I was very sad that I didn't get a back up of Velvet Unicorn. But then....


    PLASTIC PINK FLAMINGO flew to my house!


    The first time I tried it, it is was yummy pink marshmallow goodness in the bottle.


    on my skin, the greenness of the dandelion stems came out a little bit....


    but on dry down, it was back to pink fluffy goodness!!!!!


    LOVE! Must have many more bottles!!

  11. I finally got a tiny bit of time while eating lunch today (made the boy go bring me some :twisted:) to take photos and get them up on Flickr, starting here.


    I added Mitzvah, Fée, Monster Bait - Underbed, GRR, Nonae Caprotina, Smoky Moon, Lawn Gnome, Plastic Pink Flamingo, Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel, Labores Solis, Giallo, and photos of the unlreased sample sprays Revenge and Great Dismal Swamp.

  12. I started to break out and itch from applying oils on inner wrist, so I moved to outer. Unfortunately the itching followed there... so I switched to a scent locket for the majority of the time. After clearing up and taking a break, the itching hasn't really returned so I started cautiously wearing perfume on the outside wrists again.


    But now I am starting to have major headaches/nausea and they seem partially scent related.



  13. I didn't get a bottle of Maiden for myself intially because I read the released version and went "meh, floral". But after sniffing the one I picked up for Coldie, I caved and got one for me. Because I get all HONEY!!! My favorite. :D
