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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. In the Imp:

    Musky patchouli.


    Wet on Skin:

    Dark sweet musk. Patchouli adding some spice.


    Dry on Skin:

    Honey? Honey coated musk. Yum. A bit of spice. I can't smell the florals.


    This was on my wish list and I got it today as a frimp. Might have to get a bottle now!!


    ADDED March 16:


    This one is all musky myrrh honey with a teeny bit of a boozy note and some deep dark patchouli bottom notes. The tuborose sweetens up the top notes a bit I think. I can't smell any of the geramium. Oh wait. As it dries, the geranium comes out more. Ok, now it's HELLO geranium musk. Honey is gone. I cry now.

  2. In the Imp:

    Pure almond. The kind of almond that smells like synthetic cherry. The kind I was hoping it would not be.


    Wet on Skin:

    Still pure almond.


    Dry on Skin:

    Either my nose was beaten into submission (hey, I'm the TOP!) or the almond is disappearing. No cinnamon. :P Actually I can't smell anything on that wrist now. Maybe a faint vanilla whisper.

  3. With PayPal, you get charged immediately. If you use c/c through ccnow, I think you get charged a little closer to your order being completed.. The turn around time for the lab varies... it's been as short as a week and a half right after Christmas, or it can be 3-4 weeks. It depends on the number of orders and availability of the scents you ordered. I just look on the CnS thread on the bpal chatter part of the forum to estimate when my CnS will come through. Usually international orders are a little later than domestic ones. You don't get a receipt from the lab when paying via paypal; just the one immediately after from PayPal. You will get a CnS email from the US postal service when your package goes out, however.


    My understanding is that if you use CC through CCNOW, your bank account gets charged when the lab picks up your order and starts to process it. Usually my CNS is a couple weeks out at that point (depending on whether or not there are back orders in my list.)


    I JUST got a CNS for an order placed 1/24 (that had first smut, then lunar eclipse and love's philosophy backordered) just to give an idea of turnaround time for right now.


    As Delerium said, go check out the CNS thread to see when people ordered who are now getting their CnS.


    A CnS is e-mailed to the e-mail you gave the lab (through PayPal or CCNOW) and is sent from the USPS. Usually the CNS is sent when the postage is purchased online, not when the package goes out. The package could be mailed the next day.

  4. In the bottle:

    Sweet floral. A little creamy. Maybe some honeysuckle. Can not smell any stargazer or carnation (two of my favorite cut flowers besides non-hot house roses.) Ethereal.


    Wet on skin:

    Now it's just sweet floral, no longer creamy. Very close to the honeysuckle that grows along my driveway. Very faint and ethereal still.


    Dry on skin:

    Honeysuckle. Faint.



    Hmmm undecided. I got it because it had been sold out and then more were found and I was ordering anyway. Just wanted to see what the fuss was about. Will need to test once more, might be something to swap.

  5. In the bottle:

    Hm. Sweetish musk with a hint of fruity floral. Can't smell any leather, clove, or cinnamon.


    Wet on skin:

    Still sweet but the musk warms up a little and becomes spicier.


    Dry on skin:

    Spicy yet somehow sweet musk and leather. I could smell it still when I was at work (applied before going in) but not by the time I got home. I was training some other people that day and they were asking me what I was wearing. I felt goofy saying it was "I Married a Vampire from Planet X". :P But hey, I have purple-red streaks in my hair, people expect me to be weird.


    Bought one more bottle -- haven't decided if I'm going to use it as a back up or trading fodder yet. Further testing is required especially now that my first scent locked has arrived and am awaiting two more.

  6. I ordered this at the same time as my Teenage Cannibal and Vampire from Planet-X. It came presented in the lovely black velvet BPAL bag with a silver stamped imp cavorting on the front.


    In Bottle:

    slighty fruity dark musky resin, maybe a whiff of patchouli upon exhaling



    pretty much the same.



    yum. yum. yum. I had to keep smelling my wrist. It reminds me vaugely of Lush Icon but a little smokier. Fruity yet dark musky resinous patchouli. Sticks around for a good long time.


    I ordered two more bottles.

  7. So I was late ordering my yules -- didn't order them until the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND (seriously) and haven't had a chance to go through them all yet. I've just kind of sniffed the bottle and then put them away. I ordered all of them at once, so trying to sniff all of them in one sitting just makes my nose shut down.


    So anyway, they've been aging for a month exactly. I received them on 1/24. Just finally got around to trying this one.


    Obviously this is the 2007 version.


    In Bottle:

    Can hardly smell anything. Maybe a little sweet floral. On the green side.



    Green sweet floral.



    zOMG. Sweet vanilla with a tiny bit of spiciness and maybe a tiny bit of almond -- but not the almond that smells like cherry to me. This is more of an actual nuttiness. There is a slight hint of floral. I want to say that this reminds me of the Snowcake spray perfume that I purchased from the Lush Forum Only sale.


    YUM! I immediate had to try it in the scent locket.


    Scent Locket:

    Exactly the same as dry on my skin. My skin doesn't seem to mutate scents very much.


    It disappeared from my skin after about 4 hours but I can still get whiffs of it from my hair and of course from the scent locket, even though it's cold right now. (not wearing it.)


    A KEEPER. I am so sad I didn't try it sooner!!

  8. I need a scent for a Steampunk scientist (Herbert West and Mechanical Phoenix I've got a tried, and they're no-goers :D )


    I need a scent for a Togruda (Star Wars) gunner. (Fun, young, cute and alien. Rainforest-y.)




    For the scientist:

    I haven't tried it or smelled it, but Kataniya, The Clockwork Woman in the Carnaval looked a little steampunk. Some of the reviews indicate that it does indeed smell metallic, but of course it depends on your chemistry.


    Someone else in the review thread for Kataniya mentioned Bed of Nails (but that is not easy to get!) Neo-Tokyo is mentioned on Scent Scribbles as having a metallic scent but that was discontinued almost a year ago. In fact most of the ones with metallic notes listed on Scent Scribbles are LEs. :)


    Maybe Agnes Nutter? She has rusty nails! gunpowder, charred wood, smoke... maybe a scientist who blows things up? :P Could always be layered with something.


    Togruda gunner:

    Hmmm. Enraged Orangutan musk has rainforesty stuff in it. Are Orangutan's considered alien?? "Five dark, aggressive, furious musks with ambergris bouquet, Malaysian rainforest plant extracts, black amber and orange peel."


    Machu Picchu is "Sweet tropical fruits burst through deep, wet rainforest boughs, enormous steamy blossoms, over thin mountaintop breezes, mingled with the soft, rich golden scent of Peruvian amber."


    Manila is "A tropical, humid, lush scent, with a faint echo of Pacific breezes, jungle blossoms, and deep wet woods. Sampaguita blossoms, banana leaf, palm, and narra."


    Let us know what you decide on! :D

  9. Well, I've just come to the stunning realisation that I've never actually had a good cup of chai... :P just the stuff from Starbucks, which I wasn't terribly impressed with.


    Starbucks serves Tazo Chai (liquid in a box form). IMNSHO the yummiest chai teas on the market are Oregon Chai (liquid, mix it with milk) and Good Earth's Vanilla Chai (tea bags). Besides of course the chai or yogi tea you can get at an indian restaurant which are usually superior (but not always, sniff.)


    Chai usually contains: black pepper, cardamom, clove, ginger, cinnamon, black tea and is mixed with milk and sugar or honey. So Bengal and Plunder both sound like they would be close!!


    sometimes chai contains star anise. The "kashmiri chai" by Oregon Chai has almond in it (and is a green tea, not a black tea) but that is somewhat unusual. I don't think I've ever seen a chai with orange peel.


    Pike Place Market Spice has orange peel and cinnamon, and is very good. Good Earth's signature blend is also an orange peel and spice. Yum. Neither are chai, but they are tasty tea.


    Lush's "Chai" doesn't smell at all like Chai to me. :D I gave away the bottle I got in September to a male friend. I'm fairly picky about my chai scents, I'm a freak.


    I made a super wonderful batch of chai tea soap but I think I'm out (except for my personal stash.)
