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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. I'm working from home now, yay! So I'm trying to stay current with BPAL as it comes in, and I'll try to go back and get bottles that I never took photos of.


    The BPAL/BPTP collections are here --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/miss_twilight/collections/72157606846994887/

    and the BPAL Flickr Group Pool is here --> http://www.flickr.com/groups/bpal_fiends/


    PLEASE feel free to add any of your BPAL related photos to the flickr group. Will call, stickers, happy shiny faces with BPAL, we wantses it all, precious!


    I added Goblin Sack, Slipping into Madness, Agnes Nutter v2 (from SDCC) and Single Note: Burning Book (from SDCC) to the group pool.

  2. I haven't read through all the old messages on this thread, but today CCNow rejected my BPAL order on the grounds that "The location of the IP address recorded did not match the shipping and/or billing information for this order."


    Not sure why this message is popping up now. I've ordered from the Lab before several times without incident, and none of my information has changed - same credit card, same computer, same Internet provider, same home address for both billing and shipping. I could have done something dumb like mis-type my credit card number, but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to go back and check - and it seems like that would have generated a different error message anyway.


    I did email both the lab and CCNow about it; I'm just wondering if others have encountered this.


    Isn't there a way to pay via Paypal for BPAL orders?


    Wasn't there supposed to be a website redesign that eliminated CCNow?


    They are still in the process of phasing out CCNow AFAIK? I stopped using CCNow completely after I heard that people might get charged an "international service fee" from their banks. (This was in an email sent out by the lab on 2/25 letting us know that CCNOW was sold on January 1st to another company and is now based internationally.)


    You can pay for both trading post and lab orders with PayPal.


    From the BPAL FAQ:

    How do I order through Paypal? Can I tell you what I want so you can send me an invoice?

    We do not send Paypal invoices. To place an order through Paypal, first construct your order, then calculate your total and:


    1. Go to www.paypal.com and click on "send money"

    2. Address your payment to paypal@blackphoenixalchemylab.com (if doing a trading post order, the email is tradingpost@papow.net.)

    3. At the "review and confirm" stage, list your selections in the message box provided

    4. Please be sure to send payment in US Dollars only


    If your selections do not fit in Paypal's message box, please email your selections to Customer Service after sending the payment.


    Please note:

    You may use our online shopping cart to construct your order and calculate your total, but please do not click on "checkout" if you are paying with Paypal. The checkout feature is for credit card orders only. Please do not select Paypal as payment method on a CCNow order. We get double charged for all orders that use both Paypal and CCNow together.

  3. Soooo ... anyone have pictures of the Yules yet? :)

    The Miskatonic Valley scents look pretty much exactly like the previous versions with the green band on top and bottom:




    The general Yules look just like the Halloweenies but with different colors if I am remembering correctly. Maybe the stripes were the other direction? Will call was such a blur! :lol:


    Here are the Food & Toy drive bottles:


  4. Ahh! You beat me to it!! I was just about to post mine.. but I will anyway, because yours looks darker/more yellow than mine (mine is a soft baby-yellow shade, like old parchment paper). I actually really love this label - simple, but perfect, and I love the triple dagger :smile:


    Mine's just sucky basement light with an iphone. ;)

  5. Holy Moly, I just haven't edited my flickr gallery FOR EVER. Life has just been getting busier and busier (and let's not mention the pants!) for the past couple of years.


    Someday I'll try to get caught up on taking photos and uploading.


    For now, a really bad teaser photo of some of the new scents that I was sent from NYCC!



  6. I was just wondering if there was perhaps a sort of project to make a compendium of all BPAL/BPTP labels going on? Ive been wandering about in the review sections and thinking it would be lovely to be able to see optional photos of each year's label on some of the regulars like the Yules and Weenies we see most every year.

    Has it happened? If not would it be possible?

    Sorry if this has been suggested before, organisation tends to make me oddly happy.

    I have photos of most of my bottle labels on flickr and encourage people to post their photos to the bpal flickr pool.


    On my actual flickr pages I have all of my bpal separated in groups (yules, lupercalia, carnivale, etc.) so it's a little easier to find the label you want (plus you can search for the tags.)

  7. I am curious about something...maybe someone can clarify! Being kind of new to BPAL and having a few bottles..a while ago I swapped for a Snow White 2007 (love it BTW!!) and I recently swapped for another one from 2007, but both labels are different? Why would that be? They have the same year printed...I would just assume same year, same label art! :think:

    A lot of the 2007 bottles had 2 different labels. A "scroll" label and a picture label. I have quite a few of them in my bpal flickr gallery.


    Here's an example of the "Mirror Mirror" set from 2007 - two of bottles had the pictures and one is just the scroll label:


  8. Wish I were doing decant circles so I could get photos of all of the labels! I haven't updated my flickr page with new bpals in forever. Mostly because my desk is too cluttered to take pictures!! Well, and I haven't been able to order much bpalz lately. :rantrave:


    I *love* Pumpkin Princess. So adorable! It makes me want to have more kids. (My boychild is already 21 and going to college. Haz no girlchild. sniff.)

  9. I bought some 2004-2005 bpal oils from a seller on another forum. She said they were "full". When I got them, they were all different levels. Blue Moon was both full to the shoulder. Lughnasadh was about 3/4th full. A few others were only 3/4th full. When I asked her about it, she got REALLY defensive, like personal attack defensive. She swore up and down that they came that way. *shrug*


    I once received a bottle of Glowing Vulva directly from the Lab that was less than half full. They replaced it. :wub: Mistakes DO happen!
