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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. In the bottle:

    Honeyed fruit, mostly orange. The base notes are more complex and well blended, but very yummy. Teeny bit floral.


    Wet on skin:

    A little bit bitter for a second, then warm and smooth honey with gardenia and orange. Still very complex base notes.


    Dry on skin:

    The gardenia has calmed down again and we're back to honeyed orange with a lot more apricot.


    Very yummy - sweet, fruity and floral.

  2. In the bottle:

    Very faint. A little boozy.


    Wet on skin:

    A little more medicinal, still sweet and a teeny boozy.


    Dry on skin:

    Musky but not really a dark musk. Fairly light. A little sweet. Pretty nice, but I'll probably want to layer something with it.


    In the scent locket:

    A lot sweeter and a little boozy. Not nearly as musky! Hmm. I used a blotter pad that came with this scent locket (not a bpal locket), I wonder if different types of fabric will change the scent.


    I'm going to wait and see what some aging does to this.

  3. In the bottle:

    Buttery sweet mouthwatering vanilla.


    Wet on skin:

    On the second try, I *really* slathered* it on. Like.. a LOT. It was so wet, it was running down my arm. And that was the point where I could see people think it is a little minty while it is wet. Maybe wintergreen minty. Weird!


    Dry on skin:

    It is a little reminescent of Snow White but a warm, snuggly, Snow White. Snuggled up in a goose down comforter with a hot mug of vanilla milk. Now that it's dry, all I get is warm vanilla, cream, and a touch of something else that must be the saffron. YUM.


    I could smell this ALL DAY LONG. Decent throw.


    :P :D :D :)


    I'll be ordering more bottles of this before it's gone.

  4. Rick Astley?! :P




    More votes for Luperci & Intrigue, plus perhaps Strangler Fig, Oblivion, or Greed... all heavy woodsy scents. If you wanted more woodland-in-springtime, Bewitched, Hesperides, Caliban & the discontinued Hamadryad come to mind... If you can do violets, Crow Moon would be lovely...


    holy crap, that is the same reaction I had from the icon. I was all, "no, that can't really be him..." *shakes head and ignores*


    Which is doubly weird because a customer on the phone mentioned Rick Astley to me on Friday and I was shrieking "NO NO NO NO STOP STOP BAD BAD IMAGE" and giggling madly. He was vastly amused.


    I really like Dark Delicacies but it seems like more a night time goth club sexy blend instead of a beautiful woodsy innocent wedding blend.


    I don't think I have any beautiful innocent woodsy things. But Hamadryad did come to mind (ok, I do have a brand new bottle of that - it arrived Monday with my huge order of discontinueds and I haven't tried it yet.)


    Ok, I take that back, I have Peony Moon and it's very beautiful and innocent.

  5. In the bottle:

    Cinnamon. Wha??? *looks at notes* Hmm, no cinnamon?? I cook with cardamom a lot and I know the difference between cardamom and cinnamon. This is NOT cardamom.


    Wet on skin:

    Still cinnamon. Red hots.


    Dry on skin:

    The cinnamon cools a little bit and some other notes come out to play faintly in the background. But still mostly cinnamon. It was gone within an hour so I had to reapply.

  6. (2006 version)


    In the bottle:

    Mossy top note, earthy, a little pine? Sweet bottom note.


    Wet on skin:

    Sweet almost spicy cookies. Cold snowy green in the background.


    Dry on skin:

    I can feel the cold on my skin now. This is a wonderful scent, very wintry. Sweet pastries are there, snow is there, snow covered woods are there. WIN.

  7. An infusion of incalculable power and irresistible temptation. Truly an exercise in megalomania and self-gratification: frankincense and cinnamon, darkened by violet.

    In bottle:
    Soapy violet. ack. :P

    Wet on skin:
    Skin immediately warmed up. Still soapy violet.

    Dry on skin:
    Now the cinnamon is coming out a little bit, layered under the frankincense. Still a lot of violet but much much nicer now. Soap is gone. Now it's spicy but still too floral for me.

  8. In the bottle:

    Lemony sugar. Powdery bottom.


    Wet on skin:

    Lemony sweet top note still, something darker lurking underneath. I can't tell what it is. Still smells good.


    Dry on skin:

    Wow, this one has a ton of throw for me and lasts forever. I could still smell it in everything that touched my neck or hands (scarf, jacket, wrist warmers, etc.) DAYS later. Very nice scent, uplifting and energizing.


    I think this might be one that smells different on my neck as opposed to my hands or changes drastically during different times of the month. On my hand it is totally retaining the lemon sugar scent with a slightly dark undertone. On my neck it becomes less sweet and the dark comes out to play.

  9. In the bottle:

    Eh? Creamy vanilla? This almost smells like Sugar Cookie but not as spicy. Mmmmm.


    Wet on skin:

    woah. Cookies are gone. This grinning mouth slouched by and ate them. But it brought some fruit in exchange -- guava and banyan fruit. Very sweet still.


    Dry on skin:

    Still creamy. Guava and banyan fruit are still hanging around, grinning. A hint of cherry blossom. Can't smell the hibiscus at all (and that's usually tart and sharp to me.) Not very much lemon coming in either. Maybe a hint of herbal bottom but I can't tell what.


    Very very nice. Glad I ordered two extra bottles.

  10. In the bottle:

    Mm. Sweet sticky honey. Maybe a tiny bit of mint?


    Wet on skin:

    Tea with honey. Orange blossom. Lemon. Smells like the rinds from the little itsy bitsy oranges and lemons that our indoor trees produced. Or maybe it's reminding me of my Mock Orange bush when flowering. A nice orange-lemony honey.


    Dry on skin:

    Yum. This is almost foody with the sweet citrus. It's still pretty much honeyed orange blossom with a teeny tiny bit of lemon. :P

  11. In the bottle:

    Honeyed mead top, warm oak note on the bottom.


    Wet on skin:

    Still honey with a woodsy oak incensey note.


    Dry on skin:

    Incense is coming to the top. Some spice (from the carnation?) I think the copal and gum arabic are making themselves known. Honey is still waving its little arms at me. Definitely a floral note going on in there now, incense has died back a bit as the florals emerge. Honeysuckle is coming out.


    Hm. Honeyed warm woodsy/incensey floral. Very nice. I can see wearing it during the summer, especially on a warm night outside by a fire.

  12. In the bottle:

    Kind of a green sweet woody incense.


    Wet on skin:

    Musk, lily, and frankincense are all there blended. The lily is the lightest part, giving a tinge of sweetness.


    Dry on skin:

    Musk top with a bottom of woody sweet floral.

  13. In the bottle:

    Very faint. Getting a little bit of aloe.


    Wet on skin:

    Picking up some musk, lime, lemon verbena, and maybe some of the tea.


    Dry on skin:

    Limey. But kind of a musky lime with a tea bottom note. Clean and light.



    In the bottle:

    Mint. Citrus. Tea? Refreshing.


    Wet on skin:

    Minty citrus tea still. Maybe a little woody in the background.


    Dry on skin:

    Citrus is coming out to play. Orange or grapefruit? A little lemony. Faint backdrop of a sweet mint. Yummy. Summery. Refreshing. A little bit of a woody, like cedar or sandalwood, background.


    Very nice.

  15. In Bottle:

    Floral but NICE. I don't like florals and this is somewhat compelling.


    Wet on skin:

    Sweet heavy darkish floral. Still nice.


    Dry on skin:

    Wow, I didn't think I would like this, but it's actually wearable. It's not something I would normally wear -- not a sweet floral type of girl -- but yeah, I like it. Sadly I don't think it's one I would wear but I'm glad I got to try it.

  16. In the bottle:

    Fruity booze. Almost like what you'd be smelling after calling ralph on the big white phone.


    Wet on skin:

    Oranges. Teeny tiny bit of booze.


    Dry on skin:

    Soft orange. MUCH nicer now that it's dry. Still a hint of booze in the background but not ralph-phone booze.


    Wasn't going to try this because of the initial scent.... but it's actually pretty nice on your skin.

  17. In the bottle:

    Sandalwood cocoa, yum!!!


    Wet on skin:

    Same. Pretty much a 50-50 blend for me.


    Dry on skin:

    The sandalwood has taken over a bit, with some rich hints of cocoa vanilla. Maybe I can get away with wearing this (ie, without the boyfriend holding his nose because I smell like food.)

  18. In the bottle:

    Dark vanilla'd jasmine. Maybe a touch of gardenia. Almost smells like sandalwood to me but none in there?


    Wet on skin:

    More gardenia is coming out. Mmm Gardenia is one of my favorite flowers to wear as a corsage. Can't ever seem to grow them, though -- they bud but then don't bloom. :P


    Dry on skin:

    Sweet sweet vanilla gardenia. On one hand, YUM! And on the other, Drat! I'm not a big floral girl, perfume wise. I like my flowers fresh to sniff in a bowl or a vase. Might be a teeny tiny hint of grapefruit coming out now. Jasmine is blending more with the gardenia.

  19. In the bottle:

    Aquatic. Well blended, very hard for my poor nose to pick out the individual scents. Light and summery.


    Wet on skin:

    Aloe? Still just a very summery aquatic scent.


    Dry on skin:

    Feminine, light, summery. Still very aquatic. No fear or poison. Maybe SLIGHTLY cypress-y. A little sweet, maybe that is the berries.


    I'm not really big into aquatics or feminine scents, but wow. This is nice.


    *edit* I can still smell this on my hand after taking a shower.

  20. In the bottle:

    Oof. Strong! Dark, earthy. Reminiscent of damp leaves. Smoky.


    Wet on skin:

    Musk starting to come through. Ooh! Clove!


    Dry on skin:

    Musk, clove, a little teeny tiny bit of dead leafy floral.


    Almost didn't try this because I didn't like the scent from the bottle. But now, yum!

  21. In the bottle:

    Inhaling I get Vetiver and frankincense. Medicinal. Then I get musk. Shook up the bottle and tried again. Mmm more blended now and much less medicinal.


    Wet on skin:

    Dark resinous musk. Lavender. Spices.


    Dry on skin:

    Spices are coming out to the forefront. It's so well blended I am having a hard time making out individual scents. Maybe some of the orchid? Just seems like a deep, dark, earthy, resinous, spicy musk with a teeny hint of floral. Loving it.


    Tried it out again today since I liked it so much last night. Put it on around 10 or 11am -- by 2pm I can get only faint whiffs of it lingering on my inside wrist.


    Dry on sweatshirt:

    Yes, I could still smell it this morning on my sweatshirt neck from last night's application -- I had to do some dog emergencies this morning so I just threw on the first thing I found, which was of course what I wore last night. YUM. OMG YUM. And STRONG. This will be a FABULOUS scent locket oil!! On the sweatshirt I can smell the currant and maybe some fruit gums.


    Love it. Glad I ordered two more bottles just in case.
