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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. In the bottle it's a little bit of citrus and some dark amber.


    On my skin the violet immediately comes out. Eek. Violet seems to hate me lately.


    As it dries I am smelling mostly amber with some violet and a teeny bit of ylang. The patchouli just adds an earthy background.


    This is a violet that might actually work on me!!


    As it sits even longer on my skin, the citrus comes back out. Now I'm getting citrus top notes with a violet bottom.


    Stays close to my skin and not a very long wear time.

  2. Frimped with this from the lab yesterday!! :P


    Schrodinger's Cat has been a favorite theory for me since reading the Illuminati series in my teens. I'm one of those geeks that wears shirts that say things like "Schrodinger's Cat is Dead" on one side and "Schrodinger's Cat is not Dead" on the other. The most interesting thing about this model is that it changes if observed!! You wouldn't think observation would have any effect on particles. But anyway, one to the perfume.


    In the imp, I'm getting the fruits -- lime, grapefruit, maybe some tangerine.


    On my skin, the lavender immediately comes out for some fruity lavender.


    As it dries, I'm still getting mostly lavender and fruit with a little bit of mint. This smells almost exactly like my Chaos Theory III bottle! Innnteresting.


    Lovely and unusual.

  3. I've been wanting to try this one for a while and yesterday I was frimped with it from the lab!! :P


    In the imp I'm getting a minty herbal smell, but it doesn't remind me of catnip (which I grow and dry, then grind in my mortar/pestle and make muslin balls for my friends with kittehs.)


    I put some on my skin before lunch but I must have washed my hands because I can no longer smell it.


    Put some on again. It's not *cool* like mint. It's lovely and warm. A bit grassy like alfalfa hay. Sweet. Now it is starting to smell more like catnip as it dries. I'm not getting any of the rose, jasmine, or lemon like other people. It's all warm grassy herbal.


    It's very nice - going to use it a few more times and see if I need a bottle.


    *edit* Got another frimp of this from the lab in my last order. Used it in my scent locket today. I'm getting tons and tons of ROSE this time!!! That is the dominating scent. And guess what else? Catnip. How odd!! I'm going to have to compare this imp to my other -- or maybe it's the difference of having it in a scent locket as opposed to my skin chemistry changing it.


    Either way, it's still lovely.

  4. In the bottle I'm getting jasmine and dark rosy amber. On my skin, it's still a rose and amber scent with a bottom note of jasmine. As it dries I can get some pops of grapefruit and the bottom expands to include the musk scent.


    Lovely and well blended, but I think the one bottle will do me.

  5. In the bottle I'm getting sweet sweet pomegranate and it remains true to scent on my skin. Mouthwatering and lovely! I wish pomegranate juice tasted as lovely as this smells! (It's a lot more tart without a ton of sugar added!)


    I am talking myself out of purchasing another bottle.

  6. This was one that I was really looking forward to. I love sandalwood, patchouli, clove, cedar, rose... so HOW COULD IT GO WRONG??


    But when it's on my skin I get mostly cedar. Then I start to get some whiffs of rose. I wish the clove would come out more, I love clove. Can't really smell the sandalwood or patchouli.


    I put this on right before lunch and after lunch I can't smell it at all.

  7. In the bottle this is honey and vanilla with a teeny hint of amber and floral in the bottom notes.


    On my skin it's all warm glowing amber honey and vanilla.


    Darn it, now I want another bottle or two. There are too many lupercalias that work on me!! And the ones I thought I'd love, I didn't. Still learning I guess!

  8. In the bottle I am getting a dark sweetness. Maybe the tonka and amber/myrrh.


    On my skin comes a bitter note that fades into amber. It's a dark ambery scent now, not powdery or dusty. A little sweet.


    I'm going to have to try this again later -- I've been testing a bit too long I think and perhaps my nose is starting to be overloaded, even with coffee bean sniffs in between.

  9. I can't really smell this in the bottle.


    On my skin, it's a little spicy but a bright spicy instead of being dark. I think the bay and the musk are keeping the frankincense and the cinnamon down. It has a men's cologne feel to it (probably the bay rum.)


    Will have to try again later.

  10. Straight out of the bottle I'm getting lily and honeysuckle. Maybe a hint of hyacinth.


    On dry down, the rose comes out.


    This is a very floral scent. I'm not horribly crazy about florals.

  11. In the bottle I am getting a hint of carnation??? This smells like potion / christmas kisses / ruby slippers from Lush. *double checks bottle* Valentine of Rome, check. *checks ingredients* no carnation or cinnamon.




    *smells some coffee beans*


    *smells it on skin*


    Woah. Still carnations. Spicy sweet yummy goodness. Not at ALL like I expected it to smell. Loving it, though. Might have to add it to the order list for a back up bottle...


    I can feel my skin doing the icy hot thing a tiny bit. Hmm.

  12. Woah. When I open the bottle I can immediately smell sweet sweet caramel. Glad the boyfriend has a stuffed up nose or he'd be screaming "WHAT IS THAT SMELL???" and pinching his note shut. He hateses the food smells, precious. I totally want to drink this. Very very nice.


    On my skin, the tobacco and coconut are coming out. This is the first blend I've had where I can actually smell the coconut! What a huge morph from the bottle! No caramel at all now. It's getting spicy and red-black scented with dark gold glints now and again as the amber pokes up.


    Not sure I like this as much as I thought I would. But I feel a bit like I'm coming down with the boyfriend's cold -- my throat is getting sore and scratchy. Could be throwing off my chemistry and my sense of smell. BLAST.


    *edit* the more I smell it, the more I like it. A hint of the caramel sweetness has come back as a bottom note with the top being a coconut-y tobacco. Lovely.

  13. Sniffing the bottle I get deep dark lovely earth tones as a top note. Bottom note is sweetened musk. Yum.


    On my skin and dry, it totally reminds me of something I love. The balsam and patchouli are coming out and the bottom is still a nice soft sweet deep musk. Very earthy.



  14. The first thing I get when smelling this in the bottle is a floral date with a honey vanilla bottom.


    On my skin it has a bitter floral scent. As it dries, it retains that bitterness.


    I expected to love this one much more since the first note listed was honey! But it turned in a bitter floral on me. :P


    Scratching off the extra bottle I was going to order.

  15. In the bottle it's super yummy -- I am smelling a spicy rose violet cedar. The incense spice is the top note and the rose-violet-cedar are on the bottom. Very very nice. Dark.


    Dry on my skin it lightens up and becomes a lovely incensey rose-violet.


    VERY nice.

  16. Wow! This has an amazingly cute label, but I love ratties.


    I don't really have a lot to add over what has been said. This is a scrumptious yummy MELON! In the bottle AND on my skin. Once it dries on my skin there is a little bit of floral lurking behind the melon.


    DANG IT. I might need more bottles. And with all of the huge updates coming up! *looks at empty pockets* :P

  17. In the imp I'm getting dark old vetiver! Almost as a single note!!


    Dare I let it touch my skin?? Ok, why not.


    On my skin this totally reminds me (don't laugh) of one of my scratch and sniff books that I had as a child. Bambi's Forest. This smells like the scratch and sniff campfire smoke. Dead ringer. I'd totally forgotten about that book. I've always been a scent freak... when my mom lost me in a store she didn't worry. I'd be in the candle aisle, smelling candles happily. She could always find me.


    Waiting for the scent to dry.... still campfire smoke. Maybe with some dirt kicked over it. Wet dirt.


    Ok, as it dries it starts to smell a little more like incense as the patchouli is finally able to claw its way to the surface and breathe under the smotheringly selfish vetivert, who wants all the limelight! But it isn't a long or deep breath. Vetivert gleefully punches patchouli in the nose for the KO. Poor patchouli.


    This is earthy, stark, deep, and dirty. Smoky.


    If I were to wear this, I would sweeten it up a lot with a fruity scent (maybe some orange) or a vanilla. Yay for layering!

  18. Another frimp from the lab! :P


    In the imp I'm getting that stale perfume scent. That one you get when you purchase a gift pack of perfume in different sizes, and the little bottles that aren't pressurized? They go stale. And smell like this. :D Underneath stale perfume I can smell some sandalwood.


    On my skin it smells like sandalwood bandages. :D Or something that reminds me of bandages. Quite odd. I've never had a scent be weird on me. But I guess the start in the imp wasn't all that promising. :)


    I'll try this one again in a few weeks and see if my chemistry is just off today or what the deal is.

  19. A frimp from the lab! :P


    In the imp, I get spicy apples. A little bit of a cider tang. I think someone is eating what they are supposed to be guarding!! *peers at three headed dragon who looks away guiltily*


    On my skin, it's still apple. Oh wait. That's hyacinth in the background providing a sweet floral. The dragon's blood must be providing the hint of spice. There is a teeny hint of musk in the bottom when I exhale.


    Someone is not only eating the apples, she's rolling in the hyacinths. And hasn't had anything to guard the tree against for a while, as she's not hurt or bloody.


    A light, fruity, refreshing scent. Not really me -- I'm into darker, smokier, dirtier scents. But it is beautiful. I might try it in an oil burner.

  20. In the imp this is WOAH! HELLO LEMON!!!


    Question for you guys -- "Terror and mortal fear" = "lemons"??? *taps foot*


    I mean, ok, lemons are SOUR and make you pucker. But sometimes puckering is a good thing. Except when it's Renee Zellweger. :P Ok, I get the terror and mortal fear part now.


    But on to the perfume!


    Ok, second sniff from the imp (after the terror and mortal fear have subsided enough to let me pry it open with my shaking sweating fearful fingers), I can sense that the lemon is more verbena. Grapefruit is baring its scary gnashing teeth at me.


    Except I'm really not that scared, I'm just trying to make Phobos feel good about his/her job. Shh. Come on, it must be tough to be a child of war and be... lemon scented. No wonder they are the embodiment of terror! They were probably picked on by the other children. 'HEY PHOBOS! YOU SMELL LIKE LEMON! And your daddy is WAR?? AHAHAHAHA.' Phobos probably had to kick a lot of ass to protect daddy's reputation.


    Maybe I really am scared of this one, as I'm delaying letting it TOUCH me! Shamed, I swipe it on my skin. Lemonade is my first impression. (Loviator is on my other wrist, taunting Phobos. 'Hey, I'm tougher than you! I smell like LEATHER!') As it starts to dry, my mouth is watering a bit. (Note to self, don't use foody perfumes when you're hungry.) Dry down reveals more grapefruit. (Ok, now I want greyhounds and lemondrops. And no, I'm not an alcoholic.) Verbena is coming back. Bottom is a becoming a bit muskier. Either the lemon decided to beat up my nose or it's shrinking. It's more of a verbena grapefruit top now with a slight soft musk bottom.


    Refreshing, sweet, and lemony.


    Maybe layering with a little snake oil would make it into lemon sugar cookies. Or with Sugar Cookie! I would think this definitely has a future as a layering tool.


    edit: Four hours later this is completely gone from my skin.

  21. Frimped from the lab!


    Being a switch (except I'm not 50-50, I'm more like 95% top, 5% bottom), you'd think this would be a scent I'd want to wear when topping someone.


    In the imp it hits you first with a supple leather scent but quickly the amber and musk creep in to round out the bottom. Except they are fairly sweet instead of being dark and musky dirty.


    On my skin it smells pretty much the same as in the imp while it's wet. Then as it dries, it's still sweet and turns a little powdery. I'm getting leather - powdery amber - musk - sweet - leather - spice? - sweet.


    It's a nice smell but it isn't dark or dirty enough to make me think of topping. It reminds me more of what I thought Coyote would smell like, if he were a well washed house Coyote. Sweet furry leather with a bit of musk and sweet amber.

  22. Frimped from the lab!


    In the imp it is very much an aquatic. Salty!


    On my skin I can smell it turn a bit green.


    Don't smell any bittersweet wine. On me it's just a salty green aquatic.
