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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. I would like to start out by saying that almost every wine blend I've tried has not been good on me. I don't really like the smell of wine perfume for some reason.. which is odd, because I love wine of all sorts.


    So I didn't think that I would like this one. But in the name of fairness, I give all of the perfumes a chance with skin testing...


    and wow. This one is one of my favorites from this act!!


    Not winey at all.

  2. I haven't let this age yet, but already it is almost certainly going to be love.


    The patchouli reminds me a lot of Dark Delicacies, which I love. It starts out with patchouli, musk, vanilla, and plum... fades to a smooth warm vanilla musk.


    Sadly it only lasts about four hours on my skin. I'll need to try her out in the scent locket.


    I'm thinking that she will be on the back up bottle list regardless, but she's so good while she lasts.

  3. I had been really wanting to try this scent out and finally found someone swapping a 5ml. :P


    To me, it is all lime sugar cookies! A little masculine but I can get away with wearing it. And it's very very lovely in the scent locket too.

  4. Was very excited to order this when it first came out. Been putting off reviews because.. well.. all I can smell is wood and leather.


    This is very very masculine on me. I wish my boyfriend liked to wear scent... I would slather him in it!

  5. So far my least favorite of the Stardust scents.


    It smells just.. like... wine... and I don't really like the smell of wine.


    Reminds me of the wine note in The Chapel.


    Turns my stomach. :P

  6. Somnus smelled like chamomile to me. I don't like chamomile in my tea and was a bit reluctant to try it. There is also some lavender, but it is fainter and in the background.


    As much as I wanted to love it, no bottle is in my future. I'm sticking with Baku.

  7. Got my SGA yesterday! This is the SD:CC version.


    Lovely lovely art work and a cobalt bottle! :P


    In bottle: Crisp apples. I would say chilly, but to me apples never smell when they're cold. I have to warm them up a bit with my hands or have them at room temperature before fragrance is released. But this is a tart hard apple. Not as sweet as a honeycrisp. No mint or menthol.


    Wet on skin: Still apple but also slightly musky. A teeny bit of white floral. No mint. No menthol.


    Dry on skin: the apple has left the building. No throw. If I sniff directly, it's vaguely reminiscent of snow white but not exactly. Soft musk, a little floral.. still no mint.


    I keep reapplying in hopes that the throw will improve. I reapplied two or three times last night and then slathered it on this morning.


    I think my skin is eating it. :D


    It smells fabulous, it's just very subtle. I'll have to try it in the scent locket next to see if the apple is retained.


    Almost 8 hours later if I huff my wrists they smell like vanilla. It's quite the yummy vanilla. But faint.

  8. In the bottle I can smell a little bit of lemon.


    Dry down is all golden amber, honey, and dried grass. It's what I wished The Lion would smell like on me. A keeper!!

  9. Sugar Cookie 2004 -- well aged!


    Very yummy cinnamon sugar cookies. More cinnamon than 2005, so I'm going to go ahead and swap this for something else.


    Don't get me wrong, it's very scrumptious and lovely. I just don't see myself wearing it a lot. :P

  10. Is anyone having any problems with CCNOW right now?


    I placed an order the second that the shirts were up on BPTP and it was declined. I re-placed this morning with my debit card (which has plenty of money in the account) and CCNOW claims it was declined again.




    I even just checked the balance online and it's totally fine. I reordered with only one shirt, so the total is $26. My account has four figures in it.


    I loathe PayPal. Sigh. But I'll have to use it if I can't get CCNOW working. Must make my lunacy order from the lab next!!

  11. Okay, does anyone have Steamworks bottles to show off? I'm dying to see them!


    I only have the first one (Phoenix Steamworks) but it has the same picture on the label as shown by the scent description.


    I'm getting a couple more in my next order (TODAY according to the CNS from the post office, woo hoo! still waiting on my package. boo hoo.) so once I get home (ANOTHER funeral today -- third one in two months - this seriously needs to stop) and get my package, Once they arrive, I'll take photos and stick them up on the bpal flickr group and my bpal flickr page.


    everyone is welcome to post their photos to the bpal flickr group!!

  12. I just got this as a frottle from the lab. :P


    In the bottle: Tea rose


    In the scent locket: Tea rose


    I'm not wearing things on my skin right now -- going through an itchy skin flare up phase where I break into a rash if I put any fragrance on my wrists. *pout* So can't say what it would be like on my skin.


    But I'm loving it in the scent locket -- today is the second day in a row I've worn it in the locket. I'm at the end of my cycle and wanted something soft and feminine. It's quite a lovely rose scent and I'm getting pure pure rose. Not sure if this is a product of it aging alone and untouched or what. I'm assuming the lab stores their extra unused bottles in a dark, cool place. :D

  13. My first tiki orders were Tiki King and Opuhi, the first two that caught my eye and ordered before any reviews came out.


    I am so not disappointed!!


    In the bottle I can really smell a lot of the wood, lemon, and a teeny bit of coconut.


    On my skin it's all wood and musk.


    But since I wear everything in a scent locket lately (my skin is starting to react to the oils and getting itchy, ick.) I'm really only concerned with how it smells in the locket. And in the locket it is fab!! I'm getting a lot of dark musk with some lemon to brighten it and a coconut wood bottom note.


    I keep sniffing the locket directly and sighing. Mmm.

  14. I haven't had a chance to formally sit and test this, but I did sample it a few times right after receiving it.


    After one of those samplings, my friend said it smelled very much like fir or pine on me.


    I was hoping for a little more musk and smoke... but I will try again.


    Lately I've been wearing everything in my scent locket(s) so I'll do this one day on wrists and in locked both and see what happens.

  15. Just wanted to thank TwilightEyes for putting all those shots of label art up . Very cool to see those as the 3 bottles I have all have pretty much the same style of print . I'm very tempted to get a bottle of all the Lovecraft line , as the thought of putting on some Herbert West or Miskatonic University makes me laugh inwardly to no end .




    You're welcome!! No worries, I'll keep adding to the gallery as I have time (and money to get bottles.....)

  16. Frimped by the lab! :P


    In the imp this is bright and sweet green. I keep thinking of sweet grass.


    Wet on my skin it is very light and bright, still sweet, almost a floral.


    As it dries the musk and amber are coming out. Not getting any doeskin or woods. Still getting a sweet floral top with the amber musk bottom.

  17. Frimped by the lab! :P


    in the imp it's all HELLO, I'M VETIVER!


    On my skin it's earthy dark patchouli and vetiver holding hands and skipping around, taunting the rest of the oils with their strength.


    Once it dries down a bit, I can smell (in different whiffs) the pine, the almond, and the lime. But not all at the same time. They are poking their heads out from behind their individual trees after the strong patchouli and vetiver combo go past.


    A little vanilla and myrrh are hiding in the background too.


    Interesting scent -- I habe a code righbt now so I am not sure I am smelling it to it's fullest potential. While try again when my nose doesn't feel so filled with sharp prickly porcupine quills each time I smell something.

  18. In the bottle this is spicy clove and vanilla/cinnamon that is "Balsam of Peru". I can smell a bit of the sandalwood from the "motia attar" but none of the jasmine. Definitely musky. A tiny bit of fruit -- maybe from the grapes and the tagetes?


    On my skin the clove comes out in full force (YAY!! CLOVE!!) Dry down is back to to clove, cinnamon, vanilla, sandalwood, a bit of fruit deep within but mostly dark spices.


    Very lovely. Glad I grabbed a couple of bottles.

  19. In the bottle this is strawberry, black currant, black orchid and teak, very sweet and a bit musky. I'm beginning to realize that I like most of the scents with black orchid in them. The violet and I *think* the blackberry leaf are helping to darken this up. I smell this and think of a dark blue/black/purple twilight during the late spring when the days are nights are pleasantly warm.


    On my skin I'm still getting the sugar musk with a woody dark fruit.


    Violet doesn't usually work on me, so that note was scaring me a bit in the description, but it seems to blend in to the darkness.


    A little reminescent of La Bef.ana.
