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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by twilighteyes

  1. 114


    I just received this bottle from someone else, there is less than half left so maybe it was well loved?


    Sniffing the bottle, I get honey as the first note.


    Wet on skin: Amber with a hint of honey.


    Dry down on skin, a non-foody vanilla, amber, and possibly a bit of musk or spices, as it's getting kind of a snake oil vibe.


    it's gorgeous. (It smells a lot like O but less honey mixed with snake oil.)

  2. This was totally sweet patch in the bottle to me.


    On, the same.


    Dry down, the musk finally started to peek out but otherwise still mostly sweet patchouli. I'm glad that the lilac and caramel are only in supporting roles and never really became noticeable as themselves but remain blended.

  3. In the bottle: Yum! It does smell like a musky sugar jelly baked good


    On the skin though, I amp more of the musk and vanilla and less of the jelly bits. It ends up not smelling at all like a baked good but I can't put my finger on what exactly it reminds me of. When I can think of it, I will return!

  4. So glad I sprung for a bottle! I'm a huge musk fan. If I've learned anything from BPAL, it's that the description can not always be trusted (if it's scary) but sometimes Gore Shock and Day Old Ham happen. But those are only two out of how many? So you might as well go for it and be pleasantly surprised, right??


    I get honey and musk - I want to say siberian or red, but the oil is not very dark colored. The poppies come out more during the dry down and seem powdery to me (in a good way.)


    One of my favorites!

  5. I got my order from the Lab yesterday and I had purchased an imp of Alice. I ended up getting two imps: one with a plain label that just says "Alice" on the front (and looks like all the other imps), and one with a more decorative image on the front that looks like the image on GC bottles (like this). They smell different - the plain one is more milk and honey forward while the decorative one is spicier. Did I get an aged frimp? I've never gotten an imp that didn't just have text on the front (with the BPAL logo on the back) of the tag. Or do the imps sometimes come with different styles of label and this is the first I've seen of it?


    As long as it doesn't look like this:


    Because then it would be Alice from the Pretty Deadly line (which are not orderable as frimps but are sometimes put on the cards and given away at conventions.)

  6. I splurged and bought Attraction and Fast Luck sprays. I told my other half to go out and spray the monster truck with them; had super bad luck last year - he went to Argentina and never was fully paid, and we've had a lot of breakage. Because our truck didn't get home and through customs until June, we missed first quarter which is the most lucrative. So struggling a lot!! And no shows on the horizon so no money coming in! Anyway, after using the sprays we immediately got a couple of shows finally, and then got booked for four shows in a row so now we're actually busy.


    It makes me want to get some better business and other oils too but we're not out of the woods quite yet and.. Well.. Must have dragoncon scents! ;)


    Hopefully we'll get some more shows in September, october, and November, then have money to rebuilt the truck in december. I won't know first quarter schedule until oct/nov, but hope we didn't burn any bridges by being gone so long...

  7. Anybody have a photo of Snow Whites '12 and '13? I'm thinking about buying one, and since I can't decide on version, I'm thinking of going by label.

    Hm, I can't believe I didn't buy it last year... I have 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. 2011, and 2013.... *scratches head* I think last year was too lean to buy much bpal or something. I can take a photo of 2013 at least. But really, the label looks exactly like the photo that BPAL has on their site next to Snow White.


  8. Hmmm I guess I'm more concerned about oil getting up into the space in between the stopper and the lid and then, when you open it, that oil going all over the place.


    I've shot off an email to the lab to check on it because I just went after a few random bottles of mine with a pair of tweezers and the clear part definitely seems to be attached to the black part... I don't think they're supposed to be separate.

    Mine do that every once in a while too. They just snap back into place normally.

  9. Ooh, thanks sunshinedaisybliss! Trick #2 is definitely a possibility judging by the description - now I'm wondering if the other illegible words on the imp are actually the decanter's details.


    Do you have a photo so we can all make humorous guesses? :)


    The thing that came to mind for me was Temple Viper. Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop. But Snake Oil is pretty easy to spot.


    Is it possible the first word is Tanuki?

  10. I recently ordered two bottles of Mircalla from the Lab's Etsy site since I adore it, and they arrived with different labels than my original 2009 release. The original has the red label with the woman dressed in red. The two Etsy bottles have an entirely different label. I tested them to be sure they were actually Mircalla, and they definitely are. :wub2: I can't seem to resize properly, so if someone can fix the image if it's too large, please feel free. Here's a picture (sorry for my lousy phone camera skills). Original Lab purchase on left, 2013 Lab Etsy purchase on right.


    Edited to add: I completely forgot that there were dual labels for this series!



    Quite a few of the literary vampires had two labels. The Girl, Sarah, Mircalla, etc. But it looks like you remembered that afterwards! :)

  11. If you guys are missing scents you should be able to get all of the scent notes (and usually accompanying photos) from scentbase.com.


    Yeah, but a lot of times, how would you even *know* what you were missing, if it was missing? Yes, if I remembered "oh, I'm missing "___" I could go find the notes, hell, even in the BPAL reviews section - but I'm not even aware of what my gaps might be (aside from TAL/BPTP - maybe if I get a quiet bit today, I'll look at catching up on BPTP, at least)


    BUT, I think my list is now complete - as far as I'm aware -

    You'd do a search for pickman gallery, Yule, halloweenies, whatever.

  12. I just got back from running errands. For some reason grandmother insisted I get her AXE deodorant (yes, for men) for her cruise. I see that the thread has exploded from my hasty posting. What I meant to post was that the other label I've seen of Cottonmouth shows a much more vibrant, pink snake and it's on the right hand side. Like the one Little Bird posted.


    Thank you, Little Bird for clearing up the confusion.


    And TwilightEyes, I'm envious of your snake pits. I'm slowly collecting them all

    aha. I thought you meant a pink LABEL. :) My Cottonmouth in the gallery has a pink snake as well. I used to do a lot of decant circles so originally I bought the whole Snake Pit for a circle. :)

  13. Quick question, do the snakepits have different labels? I was going through past BPAL etsy sales and Cottonmouth looks a lot different than what the bottles I've been seeing on ebay. The bottles I usually see are hot pink with the snake on the right hand side. This is the BPAL etsy cottonmouth bottle I saw: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/132158804?

    Can you show us a link that has the hot pink label? I've never seen anything from the Snake Pit with a pink label. I have all of the Snake Pit in the flickr gallery.
