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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by twilighteyes

  1. twilighteyes

    Snake Oil

    I got tired of waiting to be frimped with Snake Oil and finally just ordered a bottle. WHAT COULD GO WRONG? It's spice and vanilla! And of course I love it. But I am going to let it age as per everyone's recommendations.
  2. twilighteyes

    Black Phoenix

    I bought this one on impulse without sniffing first or reading the reviews. BAD BAD BAD me. BAD. I hate cherry and amaretto. I mean, it's the SIGNATURE SCENT. I SHOULD LOVE IT. I will let it age and see the amaretto scent dies a little.
  3. twilighteyes

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    In the imp this is almost fruity. I had to do a double take at the ingredients... hmmm no fruit here! Very sweet and a little mouthwatering. Bottom is a woody floral. Once it dries on my skin, the sweet pea spices it up a bit and the sweetness dies back to a reasonable level. The sandalwood and amber seem to ground it. Very nice, but Blood Amber (which I am wearing on the other wrist) actually smells more like what I expected THIS one to smell like -- sweet peas! Weird. And yes, I remember which wrist I put each one on. I'll have to try it again alone.
  4. twilighteyes

    Blood Amber

    Slivers of warm, pulsating blood forever crystallized in golden amber resin. This is very much a sister to "Blood", which is all cherry on me with maybe a teeny hint of reinsy-spice. But the amber makes it a pit powdery. I tried this on one arm and Mouse's Long and Sad Tale on the other, and I keep thinking this one must be Mouse, because it almost smells like sweet peas. Sweet and a little spicy. I've been sniffing it all day and might need a bottle.
  5. twilighteyes


    All I get from this is lavender lavender lavender. Maybe a slightly sweet finish. I loved it. This was the first imp that I've used completely. I wore it every night to bed and sprinkled some on my pillows. A bottle is in my future!! (And I'm sooo happy I just got frimped with another Sonmium today -- Somnus -- since I ran out of Baku!)
  6. twilighteyes


    In the bottle: Dark and woodsy. A little musky. Teeny bit of bay. No rum, rose, or currant. Wet on skin: Woah, wood. Wood wood wood. (um? nm. Bad joke waiting to happen here.) Bottom of patchouli and musk. Dark. Deep. Moody. Lovely. Tiny bit of smokiness in the background. As it dries, a hint of rose creeps out. Mostly it just seems to bind it together and puts a sweet finish on it. Dry on skin: Very masculine on me -- musky patchouli with a woody bottom. Slight sweet hint of fruity rose. I *really* like it, but I think I would like it even more on the neck of snuggly hot guy. Sniffing my arm just isn't the same.
  7. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Ok, I uploaded photos of all of my bottles (well, most) to flickr. When I get around to resizing them, I'll put them in the gallery here. In the meantime: http://www.flickr.com/photos/twilight_bpal/ Muses are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/twilight_bpal/2342155690/ And here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/twilight_bpal/2341317971/
  8. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Eh? I bought Samhain in January from the lab's ebay auction and it came in a cobalt bottle. That makes it 2005 samhain? I hadn't smelled it previously. Hmmmmmmm.
  9. twilighteyes


    I didn't much care for this the first time I tried it. Tried it again tonight, because these scents SHOULD WORK FOR ME. I love patchouli. I love ginger. I'm good with orange and orange blossom. So it should be teh WIN! And today is better. I am smelling a sweetened gingery patchouli -- almost foody, like molasses cookie with a ton of ginger, but then the earthy patchouli kicks in for a bottom note. Now I am loving it. Weird how the body chemistry changes during the month.
  10. twilighteyes


    This is all amber musk top note to me with a rose bottom. Very yummy!!
  11. twilighteyes


    I used to think that I liked violet. One of my best friends goes by the alias of Violet, and I'm Twilight. We've been using those names on-line for about 20 years now. Over 20 years in my case. (Yes, I'm dating myself obviously.) I have always purchased violet scented things for her. But something about most of the violet notes from BPAL turn my stomach and this one is no exception. It's not that they're a BAD scent -- they totally scream "VIOLET!!!!" at me -- but I think they are just too STRONG. Violent Violet. This one has very much of a violet top note with an earthy bottom. But sadly nothing that I want to wear.
  12. twilighteyes

    Queen of Sheba

    ... Her scent is a bounty of golden honeyed almonds and a whisper of African and Middle Eastern spices. I was really pretty excited about this one. Honey! Spices! Nuts! teh win! In the imp, pure almond. The kind that smells like cherries. On my skin, still lots and lots of cherry almonds. A little honey. Not much spice. Which is weird because I touched my lip to my wrist by accident and now my lip is burning.
  13. twilighteyes


    Musk and lavender. Tiny bit of resin in the background.
  14. twilighteyes


    I actually go to a lot of bondage balls, fetish clubs, goth clubs, you name it, we live it. This is NOT a scent I like nor does it remind me of dungeons. Number 1, you can't drink during bondage. It's dangerous because you're not getting an accurate reading of pain levels. This smells a LOT like cheap wine. Number 2, I don't smoke and I don't like kissing or playing with people that do. I like the smell of pipe tobacco, but the blend in this just smells like cigarette smoke to me. This perfume to me is totally cheap wine and nasty cigarettes. I don't smell the leather or tonka. Or rum for that matter. The wine scent in this reminds me of the smell of a drunk's vomit. This is one of *the only* bpal scents that I have NOT liked. I even did the "well, ok, it doesn't smell the great in the imp but it might morph on my skin..." test. Nope, if anything, it just smelled even MORE like cigarette smoke on my skin.
  15. twilighteyes

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    I am having a hard time picking out individual scents with this one. Bright fruity top with a floral bottom.
  16. twilighteyes


    Roses. Light, tea roses. Not a red rose. No cinnamon here.
  17. twilighteyes


    I think the imp I have is really old. It smells like stale perfume. I found another imp of it in my extras box. One is lab fresh from lab month, the other was frimped from an ebay person. hmm. They both smell a little stale. Dark heavy perfume. Musky.
  18. twilighteyes


    I can smell the plum and black currants immediately this time. Last time it was very wine-y. No amaretto at all.
  19. twilighteyes

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    Rosewood, musk, and sandalwood. Not getting any floral or lemon.
  20. twilighteyes

    Pink Phoenix

    I'm getting a lot of honey and vanilla as top notes with a teeny bit of strawberry and sweetpea. Very nice!!!
  21. twilighteyes

    The Ecstasy of True Love

    Peach!!!! Lovely peach top note and a patchouli bottom. Honeysuckle lurking. A little spicyness I'm guessing from the carnation. This ones turns all deep and dark on me, yet retains a tiny bit of sweetness. I bought a bottle from the lab (ebay) as soon as possible! One of my top ten favorites.
  22. twilighteyes


    Mmm. Warm ginger, dark - a little sweet but not soaked in sugar or molasses. Spicy and resiny.
  23. twilighteyes


    Lime and coconut. But no rum, sorry. The amber and musk are strong and heavy. Well blended.
  24. twilighteyes


    Salty soapy aquatic.
  25. twilighteyes


    Cedar and vetiver. But I like them.