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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by twilighteyes

  1. twilighteyes

    Cake, cookies, donuts, baked goods, even Cinnabon

    My bottle of Chimera must be aged -- it smells exactly like Snake Oil to me. I had to do a side by side comparison and I couldn't tell the difference.
  2. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Finally got photos of the Yules taken and posted to flickr, along with Sugar Skull spray, scrubs, Snake Pit, Ladies of the Grindhouse, and some other various things here and there. And a couple of new postcards. Hopefully I will have Toad Hall by the end of the week (along with Snow White spray) and I'll get some photos of those posted.
  3. twilighteyes

    Stress Relief Elixir

    I was so lucky to get gifted with a sniffie bottle of this along with a decant. I can smell geranium, mint, and I want to say eucalyptus. LOVE. I want MORE!
  4. twilighteyes


    Hm. I just got a partial bottle of Jupiter (cobalt) so I am guessing it is from 2006? I smell patchouli and peach or apricot. YUM!
  5. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    My darn flickr stream was TAUNTING YOU! Or something. Hey, I added a Bats Day flyer to BPAL FIENDS on flickr! *wishes she lived closer to Anaheim*
  6. twilighteyes

    The Gladdener of All Hearts

    This one is so innocent and sweet. It really reminds me of babies – I think I may have had some kind of cream or something for my son that smelled similar. It’s almost foodie on me yet still a sweet, light, floral. Reminds me of some kind of floral candy? I want to say sweet tarts, but it's not really tart. ETA: 12 hours later I can still smell it on my (outside) wrists.
  7. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Added the MVJBA labels today to the BPAL group on Flickr and some new Halloween postcards and various other things to my photostream.
  8. Clove thread: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=10677
  9. twilighteyes

    Green Tree Viper

    I was frimped with this and have kept the frimp at work ever since. Wet - I can smell mostly the bergamot with some mint -- the top is very tart and citrus-y and then sweet and smooth. The snake oil is most prominent as the bottom note. Dry - the mint and bergamot fade away to leave me pure snake oil!! Now I have to order the whole snake pit.
  10. twilighteyes

    Lilith Victoria

    I think this is my favorite of the three Lilith scents -- I can smell the Snake Oil and a bit of the Lavender. Two of my favorites!! The last few days I've slathered it on my wrists before going to bed and have slept like a rock. And I can still smell it when I wake up!!
  11. twilighteyes

    Samhain Atmosphere Spray

    Samhain atmospheric spray FTW!!!! I love the perfume itself but the spray is so much more fun because now I can spray it on my clothes, shoes, car, under my desk, blankets, boyfriend, EVERYWHERE!!! And it lasts for days and days! I am always getting whiffs of it unexpectedly. I only have ~1oz of this (decant circle leftovers) so I will be ordering more!!
  12. twilighteyes


    I can smell both the pennyroyal and the lavender in this -- and I lurve them! The funny thing is that I use Lavender and/or Pennyroyal EO's when I'm in pain -- from insect bites or rashes. I also use it in a spray to keep bugs away. I plant both in my yard -- pennyroyal is supposed to keep fleas down.
  13. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Have you gotten a bottle of Lilith Victoria with this label? If so, there are three labels... the label I have shows a girl in red in a red hat with a slightly flat top, an owl on her shoulder, and playing cards in her hand. ETA: The one I have is the same one that stellans uploaded to the gallery. Ummm... *looks around* maybe I was just too drugged up to notice the difference. I saw red dress, halloween card, and went -- OH HAI LILITH! yay for pain killers and no thinking! or is that boo?
  14. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I have some Pumpkins from 2005, 2007, and 2008 on my flickr pages in the Halloween section. The 2007 pumpkins have little tags on them with the number. Also, I posted a pic of this years Blood Moon today. And a photo of the postcard with the little girl in Red that is one of the labels of the Lilith Victoria bottle. *cough* drugs *cough* Sorry, my camera is really sensitive to light (small lens) and I live in basement. Therefore, even with a huge light, very dark.
  15. There are two other recommendations threads regarding cloves: Clove cigarette scent recommendations Clove scent recommendations
  16. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Just uploaded the Halloweenie Sprays. Missing Sugar Skull, so when I get my next box I'll post that too.
  17. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Can't help you there!!!
  18. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    All of the Halloweenies are on my flickr page. Samhain is here.
  19. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Here is my General Catalog set! The Ars Draconis bottles (or at least mine) are dark with a red dragon on them. Black Phonix has an orange label with a black phoenix. The Steampunk and Pharmacopoeia scents have different labels as well, and of course Snake Oil has a label similar to the Carnaval Noir bottles. The salon lables have their matching artwork on them as well. The LE bottles nowadays are usually pretty colorful labels! Some of my Yule labels from last year were "scroll" labels instead of having the pictures -- there were multiple available. Sometimes (as in the case of Lilith Victoria) there are multiple pictures available. Older LE labels (I'm thinking specifically of Sugar Cookie 2004) look similar to the current GC labels. The Steamworks imps have a different color text on them too, and the Pharmacopoeia imps are also different. I don't have any Salon imps. Also, as far as I know, all of the GC labels have the same symbol in the middle -- the symbol is listed in Rudolf Kock's "book of signs" as being "copper saffron" and it appears as "crocus veneris" elsewhere. Anyone else know anything else about it? Crocus appears to refer to yellow powder or pigments (but can also refer to red) obtained from metals (iron and copper in this case?) by calcination. Veneris has something to do with Venus. Green basic copper acetate is referred to as "crocus veneris". Crocus veneris is also a type of crocus flower. Another article says: ".EASTUARY, is Sometimes alfo ufed in Pharmacy, for a Va- pour-Bath, Balneum Vaporofuem, See VAPOUR, and BATH. ES Uftum, called alfo Crocus Veneris, a Chymical Pre- paration, made of Copper cut into thin Plates, put into a Crucible with Sulphur and Salt, firatumfuiper Jiratum, and thus fet in a hot Charcoal Fire, till the Sulphur be con- fumed. See CROCUS, COPPER, VENUS, SC. It is very deterfive; and is ufed for eating oPF dead Flefh. They who make this ufe of it, are to heat it red hot in the Fire nine times; and quench it as often in Linfeed Oil. See EPULOTIC." also interesting was the British Journal of Homoeopathy which says that in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries they would make salves or plaisters of crocus veneris for external medical use. They ascribed to it an "acid-absorbing, astringent, and purifying power, and accordingly used it for "cleansing and cicatrising ulcers and putrid abscesses, or in cases of gangrene." I'm probably the only person that finds this interesting, so I'll stop now. Maybe some of the Labbies can share what it means to them??
  20. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    You reminded me -- I have tarted imps and didn't take a picture! Mine are straight vials, like imps -- not a cute sweet little round jar like the gallery picture posted. And my label is a little crinkled. Dragon's Heart tarted imp
  21. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Awesome, thank you! *grabby hands* Hopefully I'll get that photo with my already placed group order!!
  22. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    That Lilith Victoria label on your flickr page is the same image as a Halloween postcard I got from the lab this year! I love that picture, and I wore Dorian + Snake Oil today and it's lovely, so I obviously have to order LV now. If you can see the whole image, the dress the little girl is wearing has black cat faces all over it and black flames down the bottom. I really want a dress like that. I was noticing that too! (And then I noticed that I forgot to add the card, doh, so took a photo and added it and the other Halloween cards.) So cute!! I need to go shopping for Halloween material at the fabric store before they run out! Good thing BPAL doesn't make clothes too.
  23. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Ooh! I ordered two of each but the labels were the same. And then I ordered more for a group order. Maybe the group order will have the other label! *bounce*
  24. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Added photos of Lilith Victoria, Gladdener of all Hearts, and Lady Lilith! And Horn of Amalthea. (see signature link to my flickr page.)
  25. twilighteyes

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Goblin Rider I have all of the Halloweenies from this year up on my flickr account. (see signature.) They're grouped loosely by category sets.