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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by littleblu

  1. Just to add my 2 cents....


    Yep - I get a little over excited before, during and after placing an order and I can't wait for it to arrive! But - like everybody else has said the oils being so fantastic and hand blended and all round divine, I'm more than happy to wait for as long as it takes for the package to arrive. In a way it almost adds to the experience to be honest....


    AND, being in Europe, I must say that everything I've ever ordered from the states has taken ages to arrive - even in a case when I've paid over $100 extra for shipping (it was only a book!!! There was no alternative shipping method, the thing was out of print and a present and I had to just bite the bullet and pay - still took over a month to arrive.. :P ) But then perhaps I'm just post cursed or something...


    The "shipped through" thread is really helpful for knowing if it might be time to panic about evil mail men stealing packages though. That's really the only thing I'm worried about - the precious going missing. As long as I know it's on its way I'm fine!


    Just keep doing your thing Beth - you know we all think you're a godess :D

  2. How could I forget...




    I'm chomping at the bit to get my big bottle cause this is the one scent that really makes me feel both kick-ass (wore this to a job interview and just had time to get back home when they called and offered me the job!) and femine and sexy at the same time.


    I know it's suppsed to be a masculine scent, but on me it's all flowers and spice and warmth and..... *swoon*

  3. Oh, damnation - I'm sorry it's playing up and giving you a headache, but thanks so much for letting us know!


    I *know* I'm being stupidly worried about placing this order - but heavens I need to get myself some June Gloom...


    But I promise to sit quiet and wait. :P

  4. OH MY DEAR..... I don't know what to say... have been to busy with new job to check the forum for a few days


    How amazing is this update?? I'm so excited I might pee my pants (just a little). Now I just need to find some money for a small order at least, I was going to wait for the end of the month when I get paid, but if I don't get some June Gloom I'll cry :D


    Hurray for BPAL you guys motherfucking rock!! :P

  5. I had to wait a bit to review this one, cause it really confused me to start with...And now I have no idea why!!


    I LOVE this!! :P This is a big bottle for sure. (Why am I liking the masculine ones the best?) Anyway, this is in no way maculine on me - I can't pick out individual notes, but it's flowery - but not frilly, spicy and warm and fresh all at the same time, and it stays on for the whole day. I put some in my hair this morning and I swear I felt invincible!



  6. I think the ties are really cool!  I don't cut them off.  Something about the way they look ... all wild and tangly and black and unruly ... makes me love to look at my imps even more.  I also love the tags on the imps, they have such personality.


    BUT ... yeah I see that both of these things, tags and ties, are time consuming and they don't affect how much I love the oils *themselves*. 


    LOL I'm a fence-sitter!  Love the packaging because it's unique and interesting, but if the pacakging weren't there, would still love the product.

    :P what she said!! I love the way the imps look and I don't cut the ties off, but I won't have a tantrum of any kind if they have to go.....

  7. What everybody else said....


    Beth, we don't mind to wait - it's well well worth it!! And your sanity is important too, I mean it's more important that you and the whole lab crew are alright than that I get my package a few days earlier. You are a real inspiration :P so take care of yourself...


    I truly hope that all this nonsense hoopla you've had to deal with this year is nearing its end. :D

  8. Sweet heavens!! I was actually hyperventilating at those new scents!!


    Old Prague? Kali? Oh dear oh dear.... prices going up do you say? I could not care less!! Your stuff is so much nicer than all the commercial stuff and cheaper too, and personally I think you deserve to make a godamned profit! Bring it on I say.


    Re: carrier, as long as it does its job (gets to my clammy hands very fast my precioussssss), I'll happily pay for it.


    You rock. End of. :P

  9. This is gorgeous - initially I could smell the plum, but as it dried down the jasmine and daffodil came through, warming the scent and making it feel more round somehow.. Later in the day it spiced up a bit; I could smell orchid with a hint of musk and the sweetness of the plum in the background.


    I think I'll have to wear it again to fugure out if it's something I'd wear a lot - I like it, but I'm just not sure it's me. Saying that, I couldn't stop sniffing myself all day! :P

  10. Out of all the watery - weathery scents I've tried so far (Undertow, Tempest, Jolly Roger) this is the one that smells most "masculine" on me, a bit piney almost, but in a good way.


    It softens a bit with wearing and after a few hours it smells very much like rain indeed. Like sitting on your back porch with a glass of wine while it's chucking it down. I can smell the murkiness too; a bit like grass and mud being losened by the rain. I would love to try to burn this - I think it would be heavenly!


    Another winner - how will I ever edit my list for big bottles down?

  11. Wow!


    Fresh but dark, if anyone has read The World According to Garp, it makes me think of that bit with "the Undertoad is stong today"; stong and melancolic and menacing.


    It settles into something a calmer and almost chocholate-y - just beautiful!
