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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by writergal969

  1. writergal969

    Night Thoughts

    I just acquired Night Thoughts in a swap to further expand on my ozone obsession and am pleasantly surprised by the scent. I was worried about the combination of notes in this blend, but they are pulled off beautifully. In the vial I get something woodsy (the cedar) with lilac under it, but on my skin I'm getting pure lilac and ozone with the hints of neroli and herbs. My skin has amped the lilac up a few notches as it dries, and paired with the ozone it's fresh but not overly crisp and has a soft glowing feel to it. The throw is not so hot, and it's really not very intense, but my skin continues to smell like lilacs and powdery warm ozone. Almost like an expensive lilac soap, but in a VERY good way. I love it. Simply beautifully and artfully blended. Delicate, soft, and fresh. 5/5
  2. writergal969

    Hunger Moon

    Oh my, this smells heavenly! I was frimped Hunger Moon in a recent swap and lands sakes I wanted to douse myself in it! Most BPAL citrus comes off as overly sweet to me, but the white citrus rind in this is freaking amazing. Pair it with the verbena, sage and oakmoss and I get a lovely herbal scent entwined with it. Ozone is my favorite note, and I can smell it distinctly yet soft in the background, lending it's trademark 'crispness' to the blend. This scent reminds me of going into an antique store, scent memory of old wood and potpourri burning in the background. On my skin it dries to an amber/citrus with herbal undertones, and I just can't stop sniffing it because it's an amazing scent. Beautifully blended, good throw, and so far so good on the staying power. I'd give this a 4.5/5, a nice scent for late fall or the gradual thaw after a long winter.
  3. writergal969

    Moon of Ice

    I just acquired Moon of Ice in a swap today. In the bottle it's nose-tickling pine and poinsettias with that 'chilly' winter scent that I believe to be ozone-licious. Its a definite winter scent in my book. On my skin, more of that ticklish pine tingle, but flowers are slowly starting to bloom out of it, almost powdery. Nothing pine-sol about it so I love this pine, it smells as if I've taken a run through the snowy woods and snapped a few branches off of a pine tree and trampled a few flower petals into the ground. Very fresh, crisp and dare I call it whimsical! I wish I had gotten this earlier in the year, it's a great snowy scent.
  4. writergal969

    The Unicorn

    WOW! This is a keeper! I was swapped a sniffie of this and I am in love! In the imp this smells sweet an herbal with hints of pale flowers. On my skin, this smells light and wafty of dried flowers and herbs and clean, crisp air. It doesn't have a great throw or staying power, but I keep getting heavenly breezes of flowers and herbs and spring weather. I will be looking for a big bottle of this scent, mmm! So light and clean, this would be perfect for everyday wear! 5/5
  5. writergal969

    Vampire Tears

    In the vial: Whew! Smells like sugary cake mix for some reason:( I'm not getting any citrus OR floral, just really sweet foodie. On: Hm...the obnoxious sugar has now left and has left behind citrus that is slowly turning into lemon furniture polish and baby powder. Not a fresh, zingy lemon like I get from Et Lux Fuit, I'm getting dull chemical lemon:( Dry: Huh? Where'd it go? I have the faintest whiff of the chemical citrus and the rest is all gone. Sad face. Sadly, this must not be for me. I hate sugary sweet scents and I can't stand the chemical citrus. 1/5, will get swapped to a loving owner.
  6. writergal969

    Sea of Glass

    In the vial: floral and citrus, a hint of ozone, not so much salt yet (that hits me dry) and very spring/summery feeling. Wet: Now the floral is pumped up, I can get the crisp clean scent of ozone and it's becoming very salty. Dry:For a moment, it's almost too salty to stand but this quickly fades and becomes more floral and crisp than anything else. It reminds me of a sea-sprayed boquet of flowers with a hint of citrus. It's still very crisp and light, and reminds me of the beach in summer. This has a good throw on me, I can smell it hours later, and it is similar to Lignthing on me. Probably because I'm an ozone addict Overall I'd give sea of glass a 4/5 and I know I'd love it more if it were summertime. I'd say this is bottle worthy, because it really is a delicately blended scent and is perfect once it's totally dried down and lost that slap of salt. It's another delightfully fresh and clean scent.
  7. writergal969


    51 is another win in my book. This one knocks me off my feet! In the vial I get fresh melon and a hint of ozone, as well as some light floral and what must be musk. Now, I've never really worn any of the lab's musk scents but this smells divine! It's enough to make me want to try more musks. It smells clean and crisp. This scent has a 'mysterious' vibe to it, it reminds me of something and I can never quite remember what. On me this scent stays pretty true to the first sniff, though now I can grab hints of the amber and freesia better. I think this is an intoxicating blend. I can even catch hints of what I can only call 'salty air' and I love it. I like to wear this scent out on the town and get rave compliments every time. I think it's crisp, clean, and fragrant. It manages to keep up with me all night long, and I still have faint wiffs of heaven on my wrists in the morning too. Overall, I'd give 51 a 5 out of 5! It's an amazing scent! Every time I wear it I fall more and more in love with it.
  8. writergal969

    Archangel Winter

    In the bottle: crisp, sharp ozone (which I adore) and winter flowers (though I'm not sure where these are coming from!) It reminds me of the air before snow, not actual snow. On: Still getting winter flowers and the ozone has toned down a bit from in the bottle. Still ozone-a-licious, and it has a great throw. It feels clean, piercing and very, very delicate. This is what I would consider the winter equivalent of Parsifal. Smells like the cold earth before a snowstorm, the freezing air and earth trampled underfoot. Somehow it also reminds me of poinsettias. I'd consider this another sophisticated blend, something to wear to parties or out and about. Overall, this is another gorgeous ozone scent and it is excellent for winter time. I'd give it a 4.5/5 and am loving my bottle of it to death! Edit in 2016: eight (eep!) years later: This smell is so evocative to me of when I used to visit the botanical conservatory at Christmastime as a child. It took me a long time to put my finger on it. I barely wear Archangel Winter--except for right at Christmas usually--but that smell hits me like a memory 18-wheeler and my god, it's exactly why I love BPAL so much. I feel like that 'ozone' is reminding of the intensely fresh air in the conservatory thanks to all the plants, and yeah, I still get poinsettia. And I still think this is 'winter Parsifal' in a way. But it's still in my box, and it's still full to the shoulder, and no I'm never going to part with it -- just pull it out and sniff it when I need a shot of feel-good nostalgia; a kid at Christmastime excited to be out with her parents in the Botanical Conservatory with it all decked out in lights. That was one of my yearly highlights, that visit, and as such this perfume has a super special place in my heart. I love it so much, thank you for this Beth.
  9. writergal969


    In the bottle: herbal, floral soft with a bit of a fresh ozone tone to it. It reminds me of the botanical gardens I visited as a child! Wet: Still floral but much more herbal now and with the zing of ozone. I like that its herbal but not earthy, its floral but not overpowering or sweet. Dry: mmm...still has a great throw but it feels 'soft'. It's not too intense, but I definitely can smell all the components of the blend. It stuck along all day, even though it did mellow out towards bedtime. It makes me feel fresh and very sophisticated. I think that this one makes me think of taking an elegant stroll through the park on the first warm day of spring when its mainly foliage with a few early bloomers here and there. This is a 5 out of 5 in my book! I cannot wait to finally get my hands on a 5ml bottle! 6-12- And I have a 5ml...and have determined I need at least TWO more...when I die, slather me in Parsifal so I can stroll on into the afterlife in style.
  10. writergal969


    This is quite the accurate description! In the vial: mmm, smells like a cup of hot cocoa, nice and choco-licious though I don't get a 'wicked' vibe. On wet: Hm, the first thing that comes to my mind is Cocoa Puffs! Not a bad smell, but I can detect that almost 'grain' note like in a cereal. Dry: Now it's pure chocolate again with just a faint powdery hint on my skin, it has some staying power and a little goes a long way, I can smell my wrists from down by the keyboard! This scent is lovely for all of us chocolate addicts, but now I feel like I need to eat some brownies! Overall it's a beautiful and accurate food scent, and I think I'd like it the best in the bath because smelling like chocolate all day makes me feel a little too young (and hungry) and its so luxuriant! A nice long soak in this (especially with PMS) would be like going to heaven. I give it a 3.75/5, again a beautiful scent but very potent!