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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by writergal969

  1. writergal969


    Oh ho ho, color me surprised. I love this! This totally reminds me of something I can't place from childhood. Sweet, oceanic, crisp and clean...this is a great aquatic! I think I'm going to give ambergris a chance. Not sure about as a perfume, but I might scent some shampoo with this bad boy. Interesting, nice throw and a ticklish combination! My nose is loving this! Sad Edit: Ok, the ambergris went wonky and this turned ugly FAST! *CRIES* 2/5
  2. writergal969


    Hm...patchouli is not my friend, but the cloves are trying to convince it to chill out. Spicy and powdery, the myrrh is making it sweeter to my nose....but as it dries down I get spicy baby powder...and strangely a whiff of Deep Woods Off or something too. Ack. Not for me, off to swaps:( 2/5
  3. writergal969

    Hymn to Proserpine

    Oh hai, Juicy Fruit! Wow! Not what I was expecting AT ALL! I love the oozy amber I'm getting, but then after that I've got delicious gum-fruits and a hint of powder. Now, that doesn't mean I dislike it! Strangely, I really, really like it! A LOT. Has my nose turned to the sweeter side of life??! As it dries, the Juicy Fruit fades away to a powdery amber with ripe fruit notes underneath. Not sure if it's bottle-worthy, but the imp will go to good use! 4/5
  4. writergal969


    Sadly, too woody and musky on me. *Looks around for husband to dab with oil* I think this would be a more 'manly scent' if it reacts for him like it did for me. I'm getting a burned wood note to it almost. Like a herbal bonfire. Not for me, but either the husband might or off to find a loving home elsewhere:( 1/5
  5. writergal969

    The Hesperides

    Ohhh...definitely surprised by this one. On me it smells similar to the Yankee Candle Co. Mackintosh Apple candle only with depth. I get an oaky note to it, and also a dewy note. Fresh, crisp, yummy...it surprises me I like it because it's fruity! It's not overly candied apple on me, which makes me like it more. I hate sickly sweet fruits. This imp will be shortly joining some unscented soap to become a body wash! Delicious for the shower, not something I'd wear as perfume, but great for refreshing, clean showers! 3.5/5
  6. writergal969

    Embalming Fluid

    Oooh I like this...it reminds me of lemon zinger tea! Very hard to smell on me though:( I think this is a perfect lemon/aloe/tea blend and I think I'll need a bottle. Clean, lemon-y and I love the tea/aloe vibe too. Like I said, not great throw but I like the wafts of it I'm getting. I'll just have to apply more liberally. 4.5/5...this might be my new summer scent! <3
  7. writergal969


    In the imp it seems light and flowy, a clean scent with the definite floral vibe. On my skin it's amping buttercup and honeysuckle and reminds me of a giant garden. It is a bit intense for wrist wearing, but I would love this behind the ears/neck/cleavage to get lovely floral wafts all day. Overall, a happy spring/summer scent and going in the keeper pile. No bottle for me, but the imp will be loved. It's a traditional "perfume" scent to me, but I really like it. I feel like I'm all pollen-covered and sunshine filled when I get a sniff. Lovely, clean and sweet. 3.5/5
  8. writergal969

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    I have never been more sad! I was dying to try this...and now I want it far, far away from me! In the vial it smells soft, floral and very clean and ozone. On my wrist, the floral is much stronger than the lightning and metal scent...and shortly into drydown a brain piercing, omgwtfbbq headache appeared. Ow. Ow ow. So disappointed, I wanted to love and horde this scent! *POUTS!* In all fairness, it does smell beautiful. Soft thrown, and I don't really know how long it lasts because I had to wash it off. So on that scale I give it a 4/5 But on wearability...and broken heartedness...2/5...*sigh* Off to the swaps with thee! *chokes back tears* I'm going to go love on The Torture Queen instead.
  9. writergal969


    In the imp: whoa....dark... On my skin: *cough* *cough* Ugh. Very intense incense. I'm getting tonka and copal and also a headache. Dry: *washes off* Fail. 0/5
  10. writergal969


    On first sniff I was like "UCK! What IS this?!?" I promptly threw it in the toss pile...but then I sniffed it again. In the imp I get more earthy/herbal/plantlife than fruit. On my skin, I get sweet, but not overly sweet blackberries and greenery. I don't like any 'berry' scents really, but this one is bearable. Not wearable on me, but I'm thinking about the oil diffuser. Overall, I'm glad I gave it a second chance. 2.75/5
  11. writergal969

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Obatala and Black Pearl were coconutty on me.
  12. writergal969

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I have a pipette designated to each bottle for decanting anyways, so I use the pipette to put a little on...but I just got glass wands too, so those are nice.
  13. writergal969


    Hm... In the imp, tangy pom and a spike of booze. On: a little too sweet for me to wear on my skin, but this would be lovely in my diffuser. I love the shot of booze and the sharp pom. However as it dries, it becomes a more powdery fruity scent than sweet...and I like it. Oh, this is quite nice. 7/10. Needs further investigating.
  14. writergal969


    In the vial, overly floral but has redeeming lilac quality. On. ACK! No! The violet has turned sugary and powdery and disgusting! Ack! *coughs* I can't take this overly intense floral sweetness. Where did the lilac go? Swallowed by the evil violet and tuberose no doubt... Off to wash my wrist. 1/5...Nocturne, get thee away from me! Edit: Now I'm having a lovely asthma/allergy attack. Lovely. F-
  15. writergal969

    The Torture Queen

    Initial reaction, metal over flowers with an inkling of tea. Sharp. Floral. Brilliant. On my skin, floral and tea and the metal takes a back seat for a bit...almost sticky on my skin which I have never had happen. As it dries, I get more tea and metal and the flowers shift into the background this time. Nice and light but still that little oomph of chrome/ozone. A perfectly lovely scent, though I'll be content with an imp (though possibly a bottle before she disappears). Perfect for summer. Not digging the sticky wrists...but still lovely...4/5 Edit: Wore it on a hot summer day and LOVE it. Must. Have. Bottle. Edit: 4-14-09 mmm this scent has gotten better with time. Must hoard bottles. Many many bottles.
  16. writergal969


    Ooh...I knew this was gonna be love...and it is...though not as much as I'd hoped. Wet it smells electric, a bit tangy like the ocean, salty, lightly floral. I begin to notice that it smells very much like 51 to me. Dry it smells salty, ozone, aquatic...a mix between Sea of Glass and 51...still the floral hint and almost salty driftwood. It's a beautiful blend...but to me it is very, very similar to 51, and 51 is much easier to get a hold of than a LE. I also like 51 just a little bit more than this. 4/5 because it is really pretty and nicely blended, but it's too similar. A good summer scent, and I will use up my decant!
  17. writergal969


    Ooh...a rose scent that rocks out on me. I <3 it. In the bottle, floral but lightly so, just a hint of soapyness to it from the lily. Wet: Very nice, very light but distinct floral with a hint of powder and none of the usual 'acidic rose hell' I usually get. Dry: Lily turns it a little too soapy on me, but it's a good, expensive soap smell. Very clean and fresh and light and lovely anyway. 4/5--this reminds me of an innocent, 'church' perfume. Light, airy, perfect for summer and so shocked that the rose didn't turn into horrible, horrible smelly acid on me.
  18. writergal969

    Love's Philosophy

    Sniffing this in the vial it smells almost floral, slightly creamy and a little tangy. Wet it's becoming over sweet and...oh my...plastic. I like vanilla, I really do. There is nothing better than a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream...but something about the lab scent for vanilla is overly sweet and plastic on me! *cries* Dry: Barbie dolls dipped in vanilla. So I guess vanilla really ISN'T a scent for me...*sigh* 1/5...and off to the swap piles with ye!
  19. writergal969

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    I would do the happy dance if there was a BPAL seller near Indiana...I'd drive 2-5 hours for it! Pleaaaaase!
  20. writergal969


    This is a very weird one to me. I don't smell any fruit! I smell incense and baby aspirin, sadly. In the vial it smelled good, yet still like incense, but when I put it on my skin it turned to pure sickly sweet baby medicine. Yech. Off to swaps:( 1/5
  21. writergal969

    Black Pearl

    In the vial I'm getting coconut and white musk. Pleasant, but maybe a bit too sweet? On my skin I suddenly smell divine pure coconut for a second, but the hazelnut has made an appearance and what I can only guess to be the iris. It's very soft, almost difficult to smell on my skin. I love that I can smell the coconut still, and that some of the sweetness has faded. When I think of coconut, I don't think of sugary confection, I think of what it tastes like to eat a freshly cracked coconut. Not a great throw, and it already seems to be fading on me, but I enjoy the combination in this imp. I think if I wear it frequently, I'll grow to love it more. In fact, the harder I sniff my arm to find it, the more I love the coconut note. I would give my left pinkie toe for a single note of coconut methinks. Anyway, I'm going to give it a 4 out of 5, simply because I am a coconut whore. I'll be giving this guy a few more test runs as it begins to warm up outside.
  22. writergal969


    I don't usually do foodie, boozy or sweet scents...but I had to try. I love almonds. In the vial I get sweet almonds, almost amaretto. Then a creamy note. On my skin I can still smell the sharpness of almonds, but now it has been joined by the honey and rum. I hate honey mead as a drink, but the lab blend for it is nice. As it dries down, I begin to lose the almonds though and get pure honey. To me this is sort of a "Christmas office party" scent. A bit soft, a bit wicked...it's a pleasant combo. However, true to my nature, it's too sweet and boozy for me to wear on a regular basis. I'd have to give it a 2/5, I wish the almonds would have stuck around. Probably off to the swaps, but my mother is eye balling it...
  23. writergal969


    Mmm...I have no clue what these notes are but boy they are beautiful. In the imp I'm getting clean and crisp, refreshingly herbal with a hint of incense perhaps? On my skin this goes very sweet and grassy for a moment, but then dries down to a fabulously clean and herbal scent. Very much a spring scent, and also a very relaxing blend. I'm going to have to try it again before a final verdict, but I'd give it a 3 out of 5 to begin with...perhaps more over time.
  24. writergal969

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    I received this in a swap as a frimp. Upon first sniff I get violets. Sweet floral, but very much violets! As it begins to dry down I get violets and baby powder...and something that makes me think of 'old lady perfume.' Much too floral and not soft, just overly sweet and powdery. I find that it's got an edge to it that I cannot stand. Ugh. No thanks. Perhaps I can find it a new home. I'm not very much into violets. 1 out of 5 (and of course this is one of the few scents my husband says "That's not bad" too...gah...)
  25. writergal969

    Carnaval Diabolique

    In the vial I'm getting the faintest hints of coconut and vanilla with a swirl of lemon and a smoky ovetone. On my skin I'm picking up heliotrope and coconut, vanilla and lemon. Very soft, lemony and light. Then I get the opium smoke. As it dries, this becomes more smoky, the coconut and flowers disappear. I am left with a smoky alley and a wafting scent of lemon. Entirely enjoyable and for some reason it reminds me of when you walk by the carnival after it's been in town for a few days...a bit dirty and musky, but still the scents of lemonade and flowers. Not something I'd wear everyday or slather myself in, but an interesting blend and something to hold on to. Not a terribly strong throw, but good staying power. I'm getting hints of lemon and opium hours later. I'd give this a 3 out of 5.