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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Skindiver

  1. I recently when thru a box of Bpal bottles that I had hidden away and found Bpal bottle with a flaming heart that is wearing a rose crown.. but has no name Just Bpal logo. I remember buying this bottle but have no idea that it is. Oi...

    It was hidden away with bottles of Chaste Moon, Honey moon, one of Beth's experimental blend #3 and a few other lovely LE so think it was from 2004 maybe 2005. Anyone remember what this scent is called? Know it is not Living Flame found that bottle too but now there is this bottle on my dresser taunting me. :P

  2. Welcome to the pregnancy super nose club.. :P

    I am in my third head to my fourth month and this one has been a rollercoaster of up and downs already. But unlike my other lil ones smell is my main issue since it helps tigger my wicked Morning ( but is really all day and night) sickness.


    But recently found out the smell of some of the Somnium oils ( not wear just smelling) helps calm and takes the edge off M/S, but my Obgyn also told me the smell of lemon also help which is interesting since I been craving lemon pie and lemon drop candy. :D

  3. Well on top of just moving, closing on our house and now unpacking ( whimper) this last month we just found out we are expecting.


    My So sure I was, since not one of my favorite scents smelt right and been so bloody tired. But I did not think so till me made me take a test friday.


    So it looks like we are going to have a wee yule present.. :P


    So I need to find out what is in London and well I know what is in Red Rose since they are the only ones that do not turn me :D for when I can wear these lovely scents.

  4. Our order arrived this last weekend, and the scents are wonderful.. and was delighted to find extra imp ears. Had ordered 5 ml of Snake oil for dear friend for her going away present and the 6 imp ears where for me to find what I really like on myself (before I order 5 ml bottles). Sadly most the ones I picked out worked much better on my friend but among the extras I found three that works wonderfully on me.. ( ones I would have never tried out on my own but am now in love with).

    Thank you so much, my friend is be on happy with her snake oil and I now have three new oils that I love.

    Now just have to do an order of a few 5 ml for myself and for my friend ( who now has two new favorites she is asking for as her birthday present). :P


    Thank you so much

  5. First smell of this right after I opened it was "hmmm ohhh leather" then had my SO put some on and it was wonderful. Has that manly leather, the dark brooding bad boy smell to it, his take on it is "it smells like my new leather jacket" :D .


    One of our good friend "borrowed " for her boyfriend it since my SO prefers Jack and a few other scents on here more.

    A week latter she call me to tell me "this scent" made sure "we did not leave the house" after he got home and he tried it on.. :P and a few nights after that. She is in love (or maybe just lust) with how it smells on him.

  6. Well I got this with my SO in mind. It fit that warm spicy scent I was looking for, that smells wonderful on him.

    He has people stopping him all the time when he wears it to tell him " You smell so good" and a few women have even come up while we have been out and told him he smells yummy which he bushes deeply and does the " well my girlfriend think so too". :P


    It is pure Autumn with the smell of pumpkin pies, with a crisp touch to it in a bottle.

  7. Sigh.. placed my order the 7th of March but have not heard when shipping will happen. We order a few times before and have wonderful serve and enjoyed the product so much that this time is not that much of an issue (except this was to a present for friends that are moving away the end of this month). Was wondering when the next shipment will happen. :P
