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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. At that irritating early plotting stage where things just aren't quite gelled yet... thank god for lino. (Srsly. Manipulable sticky notes.)

  2. I just tried to eat a choc. covered peep. I COULD TASTE THE FOOD COLORING. Nothing that vivid a shade of green should be eaten.

  3. "If you had handed me Victoria’s knickers I’m not sure I could have felt more awed."

  4. Sweet jesus, rafe, make my heart bleed for ya JUSt A LITTLE MOAR OK? #imaginaryfriends

  5. It is me. Because I will not allow The Punk to climb on the furniture. SO MEAN, MOMMA. SO MEAN.

  6. All y'all football tweeters crack my shit up.

  7. I have been puttering about all day and yet not actually accomplished anything. Hrmph.

  8. The phrase "he put a baby in her" may be the most ridic. think i've heard all day.

  9. Oh, Marten' s mom. You're so delightful. #questionablecontent

  10. it's.... purple out. O.o

  11. Why is it so intimidating? GAH!

  12. I think I :might: have written an action scene that didn't suck. Maybe.

  13. is about to climb into jammies and spend the rest of her New Year's Eve with Rilke. I swear I'm not nearly as pretentious as I sound...

  14. I really love it when @neilhimself blogs about writing difficulties. It gives me hope.

  15. Esp.my beloved marcus.

  16. At bar getting myself in shape for APA

  17. My chars. keep trying to turn a vry srs scene into comedy. back in the box, andre. back in the box.

  18. BOH! Lunch plans foiled: car set is in dad's car. At work.

  19. .@neilhimself and @amandapalmer just got married. Internets will implode in 5....4....

  20. It could be the 3 beers I had last night. I could be the fact the punk woke me up at FIVE. FIVE, people. That's a time u stay up UNTIL.

  21. Also, I love the word snack. It's inherently cute.

  22. 26 hours until I leave for San ANtonio. :wiggles:

  23. Why does this happen, writers: you set a break (for, say, traveling,) and some1gets chatty? It's l'esprit d'escalier for #imaginaryfriends.

  24. I just realized this is my first time travelling without a breast pump since punko was born. SWEET.
