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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. And king is back up?? THIS IS KILLIN ME.

  2. And lo, LJ went down for maintenance, and a great cry was heard across the tweetscape...

  3. And no one is onliiiiiine :Whinge:

  4. And now for the second leg of the trip

  5. And now im watching mass on tv in a bar with horror sound effects playing. Ah, wisconsin.

  6. And now mommy and daddy are fighting. No, seriously. FML

  7. and now off for beers with the lovely and talented @tjoshae

  8. And now our sewers are backing up. #POURTHERUM

  9. And now to begin my Top Sekrit Valentine's Day Projekt. (I'm in the kitchen. THAT'S ALL I"M SAYING. Cuz @tjoshae reads this.)

  10. And now to eat, and watch some Spooks before crashing myself.

  11. And now to the Orchard.

  12. And on my third try, i was successful. @anachronistique, i have the goods.

  13. And our front yard, which was deemed "really creepy" by at least 2 kids. http://t.co/LDnwGuaU

  14. And punk has taken to kissing the babies on the screen.

  15. ANd punk still down. It seems to be an Epic Nap day.

  16. And sometimes even the best of boys are really really dumb.

  17. And that it is possible to walk more than 20 feet at a time? #miracles

  18. And then off to visit the Duchess.

  19. And we're off. See you later, y'all.

  20. And when i said giant habitrail i meant giant habitrail. http://t.co/fHubBvBG

  21. And why is this always the time i remember all the things i wanted to google?


  23. Anderson Cooper in a trash can. #ILoveSesameStreet

  24. Angry mob has actual pitchforks. Thats kinda cool.

  25. Answer: You got that backwards, sweetheart.... :P
