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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. I want an entire show of the cricket family scammers. #ouat

  2. 4200 more words and I can play with The Boys again. /looks longingly at clockwork vamps

  3. Kid woke up and wNted to watch sesame street. Right up my alley, kid.

  4. Hormone shift happened. Woke up with brain full of big bang smut. Thus should be... Interesting.

  5. And when i said giant habitrail i meant giant habitrail. http://t.co/fHubBvBG

  6. I AM NOT REALLY HERE. I, uh, just had to check my stock image of a regency negligee. #1k1hr BACK TO IT

  7. I will never entirely get used to the suburbs. Whole different world. Not bad at all, just the epitome of different.

  8. Kevin just told me that I cannot buy a giant metal chicken for our 8th anniversary. But I can buy towels. Damn it.

  9. I... honestly thought Anne McCaffery had died ten years ago. O.o

  10. Ok people. Are you serious? Then why are you still trying to work out of the 1967 playbook? #GetSmart #UnderstandOptics

  11. But the man looks like someone put a floppy wig on an undercooked snake.

  12. But I did really, really love the 3 brothers shadow puppet bit.

  13. (in this case embarrassing backstories that certain people really don't want their wives hearing. #cackle)

  14. Tyler is totally Andre di Cavalcanti.

  15. Note to self: do not read accounts of infant abuse while pregnant.

  16. Yes, i know it's an immune response, not influenza. Don't care at the moment, this sucks beyond the telling of it.

  17. I'm a little bit scared that @TheBloggess is actually going to wear that wolf suit. .God I love her.

  18. 550 words on the big bang. Phew.

  19. Someone should tell @joemanganiello that I would be happy to come to the gym and be his cheering section.

  20. I was going to sleep 45 minutes ago but i couldn't. at least for once it was productive.

  21. It's called "The lassie and her godmother", avail. on google books, and it involves simulated baby eating. Oh, those crazy northmen.
