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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Great. Now i have domestic drama. Prob. not going to SA after all. FUuuuuu.

  2. Traveling makes me want to write... Plotting out the american chapter at the tinley saloon.

  3. I just heard a five minute rant about how they rearranged the ace hardware store. He can't find anything . It's the stupidest thing evar.

  4. Four thirty eight: aliera is asked when punk gets sibling. Party just geeting started.

  5. Well, fuck. No Beloit for me. THAT really bums me out.

  6. Joy is like Russian nesting dolls. Of rage.

  7. FINALLY POSTED. And now hopefully I can put Stiamina on the shelf for a few weeks and torture the boys some. mua ha ha ha.

  8. I AM SO RAGEFUL AT MR HUSBAND TODAY. He is a wonderful man who is sometimes a really spectacular ass.

  9. Oh, mazzy star, you make my ears feel so happy...

  10. Achievement unlocked: robes acquired

  11. I still am rockin' the happy-buzz from this weekend. :D

  12. On one hand, bummed that snowstorm means unable to view eclipse. On other hand, relieved to not feel obligation to get up at 2 am.

  13. Sorry, imaginary friends. Too sleepy to play with you tonight. D:

  14. YAY for posting update for the first time in days... I was getting srsly twitchy.

  15. Achievement unlocked: mall survived, shopping completed. Woot. Thud.

  16. Leonidas' beard was actually BORROWED from @wilw. THat's how the 300 held back the 2 million. #LegendsOfWilsBeard

  17. Plotting Christmas dinner! :foodyays: I'm thinking kalamata stuffed tenderloin with yogurt sauce...

  18. I don't want to grade... I want to bang on ze drum all day...

  19. One more then it's grocery shopping and THEN it's imaginary friends time!

  20. As annoying as Rafe is most of the time, seeing him in post-coital bliss is weird. At least it shuts him up. #imaginaryfriends

  21. I am evil, and am making my fans cry for Christmas. Only for a few hours, though.

  22. Good morning, all, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! :bouncy bounce:

  23. Oh... I ate so much... it was so good.... :coma time:

  24. I'm watching old episodes of "Beauty and the Beast". is this something I should be ashamed of?

  25. Hubby got me Muse album for Christmas. Dungeon crawling now has a soundtrack. Booya.
