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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Videos of panels are up on facebook! I'm on American mythology and Contemporary myth panels. Good, both of them. #hotr

  2. Tapping away at Huntsmen. Or, "wherein the boys spend a lot of time in dark alleys. No, not like that..."

  3. Falling in love with lino as it saves my brain from plot meltdown.

  4. PIERRE! (@AmandaPalmer live at http://ustre.am/8Kwf)

  5. will be coping this week by retreating into fantasy worlds populated by Victorian monster hunters and White Houses headed by Jed Bartlett.


  7. Aliera, sharking the internet is not working. *thwack*

  8. The upside, and downside, to doing a serial is that sometimes shit just doesn't work. And you have to post anyways.

  9. is being deeply amused by two chars. getting philosophical about manslaughter.

  10. is off to bitchslap some apps, yo.

  11. Why yes I think I *am* going to bed at 7:30, thank you very much.

  12. Can't decide if the boys are going to slaughter an entire pack of werewolves or just a handful.

  13. I have a ton of people suddenly following me and I have no idea why... (Ok, by "a ton" I mean five or six in the last day.)

  14. I totally want to write a stian/andre jeeves and wooster fic.

  15. Yay! Hubs is home for the day, Punk is better (but still puny), and I'm writing like a fiend. So far good day.

  16. Lambert's "Fever" is making me want to write dirty, dirty smut.

  17. And now to eat, and watch some Spooks before crashing myself.

  18. And lo, LJ went down for maintenance, and a great cry was heard across the tweetscape...

  19. I kinda love torturing my character. poor babe. ;)

  20. Watching tabula rasa is a strangely emotional experience. #buffy

  21. Meanwhile household fully recovered from plague. Yay!!

  22. And sometimes even the best of boys are really really dumb.

  23. one hour,118 words. Hrmph.
