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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. I am amazed. Although still a bit annoyed that he doesn't realize that just because I'm a smartass, I'm still capable of being diplomatic.

  2. Hoping to see Aurora tonight after dark... counting down the minutes!

  3. I do not feel good, and my least favorite part of the mommy job is the fact that there's not a dang thing I can do about it.

    1. backthatelfup


      Yeah, pretty much :( Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Fun fact for the day: today is the anniversary of the Roman defeat at Cannae in 216 BC.

  5. If bird and squirrel activity is any indication we're due for a doozy of a winter.

  6. has a little Punca Munca with a fever. :(

  7. has a sick kiddo.

  8. Yay! Sunshine! BOOO! Dissertation.

  9. Cool, rainy mornings like this are designed for literary activity.

  10. I want a magical lamp that prouces dinner. Bonus points if it's sushi.
