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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. On the verge of nervous breakdown. Need shower and donuts. 2 days until my weekend.

  2. I was literally eating salami I just got at walmart when I found the article about recalled deli meat, sold at walmart.

  3. Today I am sending people lots of calm,peaceful, productive energy!

  4. Why are men incapable of seeing a fucking full trashbag?

  5. I love the sound of Punk babbling to herself in her crib when she first wakes up from naptime.

  6. Hubby taking baby to his moms next weekend. I'm making a list of things I can't so as a responsible parent. So I can do them.

  7. Punk officially likes baby goldfish more than cheerios.



  10. Come on, APA placement site. Let's get this year started. Rip that bandaid off!

  11. My arm is now internet famous, yo.

  12. Wow, Moms_anon is attracting the crankypants while P101 has a perfectly nice and civil discussion about LLL. iT'S BIZARROVERSE.

  13. Top sekrit project now has an investor! Now i just need a good web designer...

  14. Meanwhile itlooks like, by the end of August, I will have kissed the 190s goodbye! #dietingsux but the shrinking is nice.

  15. The problem with writing is that you have to go back and read it at some point. Ugh.

  16. Punky is up! Off to campus!

  17. Hope I'm wrong...

  18. Ordered my first #bpal weenies bottle! (October 2010) I let Kev pick which I would order first. Decants of 2 more (LA & All Saints)

  19. My roast chicken brings all the boys to the yard.

  20. Scientists should research why it is men suffer so much more from colds.

  21. Even though I'm not planning on ordering much at all I am filled with anticipation for the #bpal releases tonight...

  22. Of course, it's undone by the fact that I'm reading romantic True Blood smut while I eat...

  23. I'm arguing about glenn beck on facebook. Why am I bothering? I AM that guy from XKCD.

  24. Waiting for electricians to come and hopefully restore my AC to functional.

  25. Her greatest dream is to be @feministhulk 's sidekick.
