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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. I am seriously rocking the sleepless altered state of consciouesness today.

  2. I am still up, 2 am here. Tomorrow is going to SUUUUUCk

  3. Damn, twitter is hoppin' tonight.


    #twitchange makes me really wish I had a large amount of disposable income.

  5. Up! Caught up on sleep! Ready for action! Cato here I come...

  6. APparently, Punk ALSO likes Moulin Rouge when she's feeling poorly.

  7. is seeing the wrong side of dawn with a kiddo who woke up at 1:30 burning up. Another mommy first. Yay!

  8. Living well really IS the best revenge.

  9. Rewatched inception: even more ambivalent about end on second viewing. Still love it. Glad I can talk about it with keV now!

  10. Is in Chi-town for Punk's first birthday party. Whee!!

  11. I remember when leaving for 2 days took me 15 minutes to prep for. Now it's an all day adventure.

  12. PS: The girl was headed to the upper midwest, and Madison seems a not-unlikely stop.

  13. He's a USAF vet, is in Castle, and is working to make alternate transportation a reality. @jon_huertas has officially made my top ten.

  14. Book seller, monkey-tender, barmaid, resin fig. cleaner, teacher. #jobsivehad

  15. I am down the RUle 34 rabbit hole, people, and this thing has no bottom. *boggles*

  16. Sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.

  17. Some kids have teddy bears. My kiddo has a teddy shoe.

  18. Dude, has JJ decided Dora is a bitch, too? #questionablecontent

  19. .@Drunkhulk is tweeting @neilhimself. I love the internet.

  20. Fangirlishly squeeing, but intimidated.

  21. Watching inception right before bed = weeeeeird dreams. Also, Ellen Page reminds me intensely of @ambientaware.

  22. Had a really lovely night last night, and a wonderfully chill, blissfully lazy afternoon.

  23. When Iz' "Somewhere over the rainbow" has you in tears, you know it's a hormonal day.

  24. Punky is now walking back and forth in the living room. She's not so much pacing as enjoying this new walking thing.
