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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Just learned that ISU has cancelled their Latin program. The good news is I'm now in the proper mood to write this interrogation scene.

  2. 53 minutes to beebe bedtime. Yes, its one of those days.

  3. I mean, I like the boys enough to spend time with them every day. The fact that someone else does too? Best thing ever.

  4. up at 1 am again last night. Guh. Oh, wait, already whined about that then forgot. Due to needing sleep.

  5. ZOMG someone is making me Greyson icons! *squee*


  7. I think the "waiting for verdict on diss" anxiety is cancelling out the "first dance class" anxiety. Which is, ya know, good.

  8. Got my TB swag: A "Have You Seen This Vamp" missing poster for Bill Compton. If only he had stayed that way... ;)

  9. You and me are gasoline and matches.

  10. Oh god, I find myself writing "Growing Up Cullen" meets TB. (It all started in a "Pam vs Bella thread on ONTD-TB. I BLAME THEM.)

  11. Lord, Rafe is being a pain in the arse. Mr I'm-so-smooth gets all tongue-tied around girls he likes, apparently.

  12. Rowling "hints at more HP"... oh, please don't...http://bit.ly/9Ye1zh

  13. Starting to understand why trepanation was invented.

  14. I think I'm in love with the new gingerbread creamer. Mmmmm

  15. My hot trio of monster-fighting brothers needs a last name. Suggestions?

  16. Chapter 2 is up. Now about those footnotes... (8 pages to go... 8 pages to go...)

  17. I think tweetspam at @cleolinda 's place just got turned into a web serial. Anyone have any advice on starting one (@meilinmiranda ?)

  18. Anyone else having catastrophic tweetdeck failure?

  19. Signed up for tumblr. Now confused and don't know how to use it.

  20. You know those days when you're convined everyone hates you? Bad day to have people over, I'm afraid.

  21. Since this is the worst possible timing for me to get sick... I'm getting sick. WhEE!

  22. Wow, do people sometime surprise you. MV sent Punk fraggle rock dvds.

