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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. "Why Ed Shouldn't Date, Part 2"

  2. "Writing is a wholetime job" - Maugham That's my new excuse for my monomania.

  3. "Writing is like sex: You should do it, not talk about it. HOWARD OGDEN" But what about WRITING ABOUT SEX? #bestofbothworlds

  4. (#1K1Hr for me usually means "60 minutes and eh, 500 words". BUT IT IS SOMETHING.)

  5. (Actually, I prolly couldn't, since it's my second year and aylward said no double APA funding.)

  6. (Actually, this particular winner is referring to urban fantasy as "The Necrophilia and Bestiality genre".)

  7. (and from one perspective, it already has, as everyone is fine and poison control was very reassuring.) #MommingShouldComeWithValium

  8. (And House on the Rock.)

  9. (Cuddles her 3.99 copy of Mircea Eliade's "Shamanism")

  10. (Hint, y'all: if he'd flashed her on the street instead of via twitter he'd be in jail.)

  11. (I have to distract myself from the rage strokes somehow.)

  12. (in this case embarrassing backstories that certain people really don't want their wives hearing. #cackle)

  13. (Kev's uncle just passed away suddenly. :( )

  14. (They're awesome and have tuition adjustment, but we're in the valley in between 'can pay for it' and 'qualify for aid'.)

  15. (We get to see 10 yr old Stian wednesday.)

  16. (Well, I don't have to. But they won't let me sleep if I don't. #PushyImaginaryFriends)

  17. *phwump* Draft done. For really reals. Now to let it sit for 24 hours or so.

  18. 2) I think I've got Kev talked into Dream Trip. Now we just hve to find a way to manage to TAKE it!

  19. 26 hours until I leave for San ANtonio. :wiggles:

  20. 30 min nap = not a full reset but an improvement.

  21. 30 more minutes and I can pump in some protein. #glucose #diabetestests #uggggggg

  22. 4200 more words and I can play with The Boys again. /looks longingly at clockwork vamps

  23. 53 minutes to beebe bedtime. Yes, its one of those days.

  24. 550 words on the big bang. Phew.
