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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. my favorite part of linoit: I can group tasks by time blocks.

  2. Ah,migraine. It's like the world's worst hangover without any of the fun first.

  3. Seven Sisters:part 5 is up. Pally gets bonus to turn undead.

  4. Also really unhappy about the way seven sisters turned out. Doesn't suck but... Vv dissatisfied. Glad rafe is back monday.

  5. I really, really wish I had something worth auctioning for @foresthouse. Boo!

  6. Ahhh! Now twitter's being weird too! My internet universe is shaken!

  7. "Euphoria fluid" is my new favorite euphemism.

  8. Part 3 of "The Seven Sisters" is up. Woooot.*faceplant* can'tsleep... punk will eat me..

  9. I have this fantasy of seeing DeVotchKa with Pale Young Gentlement opening one day. I can dream.

  10. And her:,http://www.elfwood.com/~rocambe3/X-Women-Penance.3493960.html

  11. I can't say too much yet, but... wow. Today was an amazing day on so so many levels.

  12. Today is a very special day: Allie and I are watching the last unicorn together for the first time.


  14. How is it that 9:30 pm can feel so much like 2 am?

  15. I have a musical itch and can't find the song to scratch it.Also, must... go... to... grocery.... BOO.

  16. Watching imaginarium of doctor parnassus and getting weepy as Depp is so clearly eulogizing Ledger.

  17. is considering running away and joining the circus.

  18. Fine, fucker, I'll just write around you. HA.

  19. Really kicking myself for not ordering blood moon fume and tee. #bpal

  20. The new panel I'm on consists of a NYT bestselling author, someone featured on Fox News, and... me. Intimidated? Nooooooo...

  21. Thought I would lie down for a moment. Woke up two hours later. Whoa.

  22. Hey, I just got a freelance writing gig. Cool.

  23. I can't decide if I wanna sneak out for a drink, or go on another writing binge.
