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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. update! Wherein Stian learns that grandaddy was right about at least one thing.

  2. update. Also, why can't I get the "Backyardigans" theme song out of my head? pernicious, I tell you.

  3. Update. Nothing explodes.This time.

  4. Update. Short, but it exists. AND NOW FOR ALL THE OTHER THINGS I HAVE TO DO TODAY. :P

  5. Updateupdateupdate!

  6. Updating before 2 pm. It's a friday miracle. It's also only half an update,but that's partly by design...

  7. Us: we're going to the house of blues. Cabbie: Good!

  8. UUUUUUUUPPPPDAAAAAATE. In which hijinks ensue, Wils discovers that telgraphs are USEFUL, and Jack has dog breath.

  9. Videos of panels are up on facebook! I'm on American mythology and Contemporary myth panels. Good, both of them. #hotr

  10. Wait, David Anders is on Vampire Diaries now? God damn it... #TheThingsIDoForYou

  11. Wait. The secret tunnels thing ISN'T a joke????

  12. Waiting for electricians to come and hopefully restore my AC to functional.

  13. Wanted to go to meet n' sniff; think I better wait another month. Still a bit queasy around strong smells.

  14. Warcraft, I hear your siren's song. YOU WILL NOT LURE ME BACK IN. #whimper

  15. Was going to Write Things. Napping instead. Wheee!

  16. Watching "Hex", a show apparently set in the world's emptiest dorm.

  17. Watching Elementary. Good God, how can anyone not love L.L's acting? (Her role choices is another, if highly problematic, question)

  18. Watching Hex. Now can't sleep, afraid Michael Fassbender will stick something in my eeeaaaarrrr

  19. Watching imaginarium of doctor parnassus and getting weepy as Depp is so clearly eulogizing Ledger.

  20. Watching inception right before bed = weeeeeird dreams. Also, Ellen Page reminds me intensely of @ambientaware.

  21. Watching local columnists make idiots of themselves on twitter: painful, entertaining, or both?

  22. Watching tabula rasa is a strangely emotional experience. #buffy
