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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Winter comes bearing the seeds of its own end.

  2. It's easy to make plans now, yet it's challenging to get the d... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  3. Wanted to go to meet n' sniff; think I better wait another month. Still a bit queasy around strong smells.

  4. That thing where I realize that I don't really miss academia itself, but I REALLY miss getting drunk and BSing at academic conferences.

  5. Taking care of your chores that you should have done yesterday... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  6. It's a testament to how awesome prednisone works for me that I thought maybe I had been exaggerating how sick I felt. UNTIL IT WORE OFF. #ow

  7. SO when I said "Come hell or high water" Iiiiii clearly did not anticipate minor social crises. DAGNABBIT. BUT STILL WRITING AWAY

  8. HOLY CRAP! IT'S AN UPDATE! In which Stian learns that there are some things he's not allowed to delegate to Yev.

  9. And its ok, LJ, I know it isn't your fault. /pets poor LJ

  10. You have an excellent chance of succeeding today as assertive ... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  11. With arrival of tangled figs, Xmas shopping is well underway. Will be almost done as of tomorrow. Then begins the baking...

  12. Off to rheumatology. SWEET.

  13. You know what, @paypal? You are a) really disgusting and B) have unleashed a shitstorm. Enjoy the terrible press to come.

  14. Meanwhile, I gotsta get to my local library to claim the Avengers trade that is waiting for me... :rubs hands together:

  15. At olbrich with punk. So much greeeeeeen!

  16. Got a couple of gingerbread decants from a fellow BPALer! Mmm... gingerbread poppet is ALMOST. THERE... #questforperfectscent

  17. You might be so rigid today with the Moon in your sign, that y... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  18. .@bethshepsut should dig it: miss 2 has started asking to smell my oils by color. "green"=eucalyptus. "purple"=lavender.

  19. What would i do without this kid? http://t.co/BJEroWND

  20. Half of twitter is tipsy. I am amused.

  21. OH MY GOD. I just saw the Grandma Christmas True Blood ad. Cackling forever.

  22. If your feelings have been overwhelming recently, today's simp... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  23. My child with the crazy fae hair. http://t.co/ekEXB3jH

  24. Although you probably won't want to deal with financial concer... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9
