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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Kevin just told me that I cannot buy a giant metal chicken for our 8th anniversary. But I can buy towels. Damn it.

  2. I will never entirely get used to the suburbs. Whole different world. Not bad at all, just the epitome of different.

  3. I AM NOT REALLY HERE. I, uh, just had to check my stock image of a regency negligee. #1k1hr BACK TO IT

  4. And when i said giant habitrail i meant giant habitrail. http://t.co/fHubBvBG

  5. Hormone shift happened. Woke up with brain full of big bang smut. Thus should be... Interesting.

  6. Kid woke up and wNted to watch sesame street. Right up my alley, kid.

  7. 4200 more words and I can play with The Boys again. /looks longingly at clockwork vamps

  8. I want an entire show of the cricket family scammers. #ouat

  9. I feel guilty whenever anyone on twitter refers to me as "a writer". I'm all, "Uh you know I'm unpubbed, right?" #issues @impostersyndrome

  10. Moooooom, stop trying to chat with me when I'm trying to write smuuuuut...

  11. So what I'm wondering is, What is a tat, and why in the name of God would anyone trade for one?

  12. You are ready to try something new because it's apparent that ... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  13. "Writing is like sex: You should do it, not talk about it. HOWARD OGDEN" But what about WRITING ABOUT SEX? #bestofbothworlds

  14. "British Fonzie is right."

  15. Your emotions are running deep today, but fortunately you shou... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  16. If you're interested in publishing, checking out @SaraMegibow right about now is a good idea. #10queriesin10tweets

  17. In today's adventure, Punk demonstrated that she can open childproof caps and Aliera lost ten years off her life.

  18. Tree decorated. Toddler meltdown #206 of the day survived. Painkiller taken. Bedtime for her in 30 minutes.

  19. CASTOR'S BALLS these gingerbread truffles are amazing. #Godiva

  20. (and from one perspective, it already has, as everyone is fine and poison control was very reassuring.) #MommingShouldComeWithValium

  21. here's hoping that early lunch leads to early naps for all. There are few things in life that can't be ameliorated by 2 hrs of sleep.

  22. This is what it is to be the parent of a toddler. http://t.co/jK1wrGAF

  23. White collar times!
