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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Achievement unlocked: mall survived, shopping completed. Woot. Thud.

  2. YAY for posting update for the first time in days... I was getting srsly twitchy.

  3. Sorry, imaginary friends. Too sleepy to play with you tonight. D:

  4. On one hand, bummed that snowstorm means unable to view eclipse. On other hand, relieved to not feel obligation to get up at 2 am.

  5. I still am rockin' the happy-buzz from this weekend. :D

  6. Achievement unlocked: robes acquired

  7. Oh, mazzy star, you make my ears feel so happy...

  8. I AM SO RAGEFUL AT MR HUSBAND TODAY. He is a wonderful man who is sometimes a really spectacular ass.

  9. FINALLY POSTED. And now hopefully I can put Stiamina on the shelf for a few weeks and torture the boys some. mua ha ha ha.

  10. Joy is like Russian nesting dolls. Of rage.

  11. Well, fuck. No Beloit for me. THAT really bums me out.

  12. Four thirty eight: aliera is asked when punk gets sibling. Party just geeting started.

  13. I just heard a five minute rant about how they rearranged the ace hardware store. He can't find anything . It's the stupidest thing evar.

  14. Traveling makes me want to write... Plotting out the american chapter at the tinley saloon.

  15. Great. Now i have domestic drama. Prob. not going to SA after all. FUuuuuu.

  16. I'll leave it to you to gauge the tone of that last tweet.

  17. (Actually, I prolly couldn't, since it's my second year and aylward said no double APA funding.)

  18. wishes she had a filter to block out all wikileaks news. It's sending me into a permanant rage stroke at this point.

  19. I just wish I didn't have to wait two more months until the entire album came out. :chews fingers:

  20. I am now following @McGarrysGhost so that I may continue may fantasy of living in Bartlett's America.

  21. RT @bethshepsut Mercury retrograde can suck a bag of dicks. // NO SHIT. Is it just me or is this one particularly horrendous?

  22. These two facts are not mutually exclusive.

  23. Reading of Swedish sources now shows that the charges against Assange, which predate the wikileaks far, are far more srs than press reports.

  24. Any doubts I may have had about mercury retrograde have now been completely eliminated.

    1. lmfaith


      :( Hope thins get better soon!