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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Tree decorated. Toddler meltdown #206 of the day survived. Painkiller taken. Bedtime for her in 30 minutes.

  2. True 'nuff: The Big Wedding will have so much security it will make the standard presidential visit look low-key.

  3. True story: when I was pregnant I banned tuna from the house. #thingstolookforwardto

  4. Trying out #BPAL's The Red Rider. It's... eldritch smelling, and I really want to layer it with something.

  5. Tumblr down. GoT must be on.

  6. Tumblr is only the first to go. The gaiman/Whovian nexus will bring down the entire 'net. It's only the first sign, people...

  7. tumblr, why are you giving me reblog notifications from two weeks ago?

  8. Turned on heat. Calling it a "test run" to make sure the system works before winter really starts whacking at us.

  9. Turned wintered garden beds into impromptu graveyard. Yay halloween! http://t.co/nVfDXwum

  10. Two hours until naptime. ICAN DO THIS.

  11. Tyler is totally Andre di Cavalcanti.

  12. UCUW: using the image of dead students on a day when another big ten town is crawling with search parties? Fck off.

  13. Ugh. Fatigue is the worst part of this shitty disease.

  14. Um... is NO ONE really on AIM? I've... never seen this before. o.O

  15. Unusual and hard to get going on, but once I did I was hooked. Didn't fall in love w/ it, but I can tell it will stick with me.

  16. up at 1 am again last night. Guh. Oh, wait, already whined about that then forgot. Due to needing sleep.

  17. Up to 3K on the Big Bang. :mini victory dance:

  18. Up toooo late. But slept through. Now to start the morning pre-church scramble with extra GAH FAMILY COMING FOR DINNER icing.

  19. Up! Caught up on sleep! Ready for action! Cato here I come...

  20. Up. ALive. Bleary. I think I'l.... damn. BRB. :runs:

  21. updAAAAAATE. Wherein things finally happen in explosive ways, and the author fights very hard to not use the term "fursplode".

  22. Updaaaate. And just in time. I hear a Punk singing.
