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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Esp.my beloved marcus.

  2. I really love it when @neilhimself blogs about writing difficulties. It gives me hope.

  3. is about to climb into jammies and spend the rest of her New Year's Eve with Rilke. I swear I'm not nearly as pretentious as I sound...

  4. I think I :might: have written an action scene that didn't suck. Maybe.

  5. Why is it so intimidating? GAH!

  6. it's.... purple out. O.o

  7. Oh, Marten' s mom. You're so delightful. #questionablecontent

  8. The phrase "he put a baby in her" may be the most ridic. think i've heard all day.

  9. I have been puttering about all day and yet not actually accomplished anything. Hrmph.

  10. All y'all football tweeters crack my shit up.

  11. It is me. Because I will not allow The Punk to climb on the furniture. SO MEAN, MOMMA. SO MEAN.

  12. Sweet jesus, rafe, make my heart bleed for ya JUSt A LITTLE MOAR OK? #imaginaryfriends

  13. "If you had handed me Victoria’s knickers I’m not sure I could have felt more awed."

  14. I just tried to eat a choc. covered peep. I COULD TASTE THE FOOD COLORING. Nothing that vivid a shade of green should be eaten.

  15. At that irritating early plotting stage where things just aren't quite gelled yet... thank god for lino. (Srsly. Manipulable sticky notes.)

  16. Hubby got me Muse album for Christmas. Dungeon crawling now has a soundtrack. Booya.

  17. I'm watching old episodes of "Beauty and the Beast". is this something I should be ashamed of?

  18. Oh... I ate so much... it was so good.... :coma time:

  19. Good morning, all, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! :bouncy bounce:

  20. I am evil, and am making my fans cry for Christmas. Only for a few hours, though.

  21. As annoying as Rafe is most of the time, seeing him in post-coital bliss is weird. At least it shuts him up. #imaginaryfriends

  22. One more then it's grocery shopping and THEN it's imaginary friends time!

  23. I don't want to grade... I want to bang on ze drum all day...

  24. Plotting Christmas dinner! :foodyays: I'm thinking kalamata stuffed tenderloin with yogurt sauce...

  25. Leonidas' beard was actually BORROWED from @wilw. THat's how the 300 held back the 2 million. #LegendsOfWilsBeard
