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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. This pic is freaking me out, because it looks eerily like someone @CBQScavenger and I know. http://t.co/WV2YUIuq

  2. This time, the victims were primarily Muslim as Boko Haram took vengeance for arrest of its members. #nigeria

  3. This will either be awesome or obvious filler. Damn, I shouldn't have admitted that here.

  4. Thorin Oakenshield pictures are out.

  5. Thought I would lie down for a moment. Woke up two hours later. Whoa.

  6. Til now, I always got by on my own... #Heart #SoOld

  7. Time for bakin' banana bread. With chocolate. Ohhhhh yeah

  8. Time for update time.

  9. Time to play with seed catalogues... @tjoshae wanna get in on the order?

  10. Today I am sending people lots of calm,peaceful, productive energy!

  11. Today I am sore, twitchy, sore-throated, and creatively insecure, but excited. HOW ARE YOU?

  12. Today is a sad day...

  13. Today is a very special day: Allie and I are watching the last unicorn together for the first time.

  14. Today was supposed to be my first grain-free day but I'm not sure Imma make it through this am without a poptart.


  16. Toddlers chanting "kill the bill" may be the cutest thing ever.

  17. Tomorrow, we start fresh. right? :sigh: #toughday

  18. Tonight's department event may just have been the final nail in my classicist coffin.

  19. too exhausted to do anything. too riled to sleep. Hello internets!

  20. Too hot to go outside. Baking and watching Disney movies in here instead. #mulan

  21. too tired to do anything, too hungry to sleep. Up for cake. ARG. #ButAtLeastTheresCake

  22. Top sekrit project now has an investor! Now i just need a good web designer...

  23. Traveling makes me want to write... Plotting out the american chapter at the tinley saloon.
