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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. I really need to get West Wing on DVD...

  2. Up. ALive. Bleary. I think I'l.... damn. BRB. :runs:

  3. Taking a nap would be good. Writing would be good.I'm kinda managing neither right now. Hi twitter!!

  4. should be writing. Reading tvtropes instead. CMOA page for Jane Austen is making me lust for Col. Brandon all over again.

  5. Me? Shameless fangirl?...yes. And if you have a problem with that I can introduce you to my axe.

  6. I am so tired i don't even know how i'm still moving. Ohggggggggggggggg

  7. I love it when people in fanficrants make typos in posts complaining about... you got it...

  8. EVERYONE IS TWEETING ABOUT FOOD AND I AM HUNGRY. As soon as I crank out a good 500 words I am making cake.

  9. If it does not, I will unleash an unholy horde of... something on it. I don't know what yet. But it will be scary.

  10. Oh, maggie smith, i love you more than life itself. #downtonabbey

  11. I smashed my kid's hand in the bathroom door. HATE MYSELF RIGHT NOW, Y'ALL.

  12. I am digging through the internets looking for maps of the Catacombs of Domitilla.

  13. Oh, it's good to be home...

  14. Ok. Five and a half hours to go.

  15. I just realized this is my first time travelling without a breast pump since punko was born. SWEET.

  16. Why does this happen, writers: you set a break (for, say, traveling,) and some1gets chatty? It's l'esprit d'escalier for #imaginaryfriends.

  17. 26 hours until I leave for San ANtonio. :wiggles:

  18. Also, I love the word snack. It's inherently cute.

  19. It could be the 3 beers I had last night. I could be the fact the punk woke me up at FIVE. FIVE, people. That's a time u stay up UNTIL.

  20. .@neilhimself and @amandapalmer just got married. Internets will implode in 5....4....

  21. BOH! Lunch plans foiled: car set is in dad's car. At work.

  22. My chars. keep trying to turn a vry srs scene into comedy. back in the box, andre. back in the box.

  23. At bar getting myself in shape for APA
