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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. The results of last night's labors http://t.co/xxMc067

  2. The Sun in your 5th House of Play is pulled slightly off cente... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  3. The upside, and downside, to doing a serial is that sometimes shit just doesn't work. And you have to post anyways.

  4. The Virgin Queen has both Matheson AND TOM HARDY. WHY IS THIS NOT IN MY EYEBALLS RIGHT NOW?


  6. The worst part about sleep dep for me is it means no writing. Whcih is kinda like having pieces missing.

  7. There is going to be a Dragon Age anime series? #keepingitallinside

  8. There May be something more awesome than watching kiddo and hubs pick green beans for dinner together. Don't know what it is though.

  9. These two facts are not mutually exclusive.

  10. Things I have to make. Possibly tonight.~~***HOT FUDGE PIE***~~ http://t.co/VmmJvs6a

  11. Things that amuse me: refs to "Medieval bars." o.O

  12. Think i talked hubs into letting me get punk a dvd player for road trips. Her bored wailing helps too.

  13. Thinking Bill Maher is a colossal ass. Also thinking sky is blue, water is wet.

  14. This _p thread is an interesting lesson in selective activism, methinks.

  15. This averaging two migraines a day thing is getting very very old.

  16. This ep of ses. st. has cool Indian-inspired music, Chris/Leila shippiness, and Alton Brown. #win

  17. This episode was made for fanfic. #Toph #Katara #MudWrestling

  18. THIS IS HOW WE DO IT IN WISCONSIN. http://t.co/Nrt74ca0

  19. This is one sick little Punk. #Pneumonia

  20. This is possibly the nicest clinic I have ever set foot in. Also, it has free wifi.

  21. This is the hottest - and sweetest - reddit thread ever. http://t.co/voA1tolf

  22. This is what it is to be the parent of a toddler. http://t.co/jK1wrGAF

  23. This is why, I think, people with chronic pain often also suffer from crap doctors.

  24. This morning is going to be awkward... Time for a Talk. I hate those.

  25. This needs to be our talking pt this week: wi workers CAN OPT OUT under the current system #wiunion
