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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Honestly watching a lot of the shit that happens a the various Occupy sites makes me understand why direct democracy is a nice idea buuuuuut

  2. OK, hot bath, King of Attolia, then Writings Times.

  3. Update, at long last. Part 1 of a new series. AND NOW TO CRASH.

  4. Warcraft, I hear your siren's song. YOU WILL NOT LURE ME BACK IN. #whimper

  5. My stars and garters, did modcloth actually just appeal to women above size 10?

  6. Update up. Because I am not a well woman, apparently. #uptoolate #gonnaregretittomorrow

  7. Madeline Stowe, you are amaaaaazing. #Revenge #FavoriteThings

  8. Back to the rheumatologist this morning. WHEEE.

  9. I hate everything right now.

  10. Once upon a time: like the modern day spin, fairy tale stuff is cheesetastic, prince charming... Isn't. But so far I'll give it a chance.

  11. It's not that I disagree with him, (although I usually do), it's that he's bleeding AWFUL at the job. #TorturingEnglish

  12. Ok, time for couscous. Uh, not a euphemism. #TotallyCouldBeThough

  13. Outside of his family and friends, of course. He seems like a nice enough guy.

  14. The idea of Anne Rice mocking Stephanie Meyer's vampires as inferior amuses me on several levels.

  15. And I take the whitewashing VERY seriously, people.

  16. This is the hottest - and sweetest - reddit thread ever. http://t.co/voA1tolf

  17. Allie dressed for the church halloween party. Rawr! http://t.co/pwKmgw23

  18. _p post on hair and hair touching made me think about preg. belly-touching: women's bodies as public property and publicly "available"

  19. Baby's first Time Warp. Her father an I are so proud. #rhps

  20. Well, kiddo is now a HUUUGE fan of Halloween. #candycandycandy

  21. And our front yard, which was deemed "really creepy" by at least 2 kids. http://t.co/LDnwGuaU

  22. Phew, almost forgot to set out a beer.
