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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Loved the glimpse of Hawkeye, thought Portman could have been awesomer if they gave her sometihng to do, Sif was wasted...

  2. Well I think I may have well and truly jacked my hands. That I use to type #notgood

  3. sooooo Pinterest is basically tumblr?

  4. I am seriously about to Ragesplode. I'm all for peoples right to fuck up their own lives but you give up that privilege when you have kids.

  5. .@theblogess just made me laugh until I cried.

  6. Apparently this is official "painful email" week.

  7. Husband I am in the grip of a crushing panic attack. Now is bot the time to au phantom on the piano.

  8. Driving and finally catching up on the @comicbookqueers podcast. ok, stopped at oasis. Not texting and driving. #notthatcoordinated

  9. In town two minutes already heard "whadya mean you aint got no walgreens?"

  10. Home. Hinkle's consumed. Dad THOROUGHLY surprised. Worth the drive all by itself. Now to take advantage of Mom's giant bathtub!

  11. "that toast went longer than that meatloaf song." #myfamily

  12. Complaining here so I can keep the Happy Family Face mostly in place: I am in a rather good deal of pain.

  13. Reading up on Mesmerism for Big Bang research.

  14. Horrifying stuff: PAINT THAT WILL KILL YOU http://t.co/eupT1Dgu

  15. My mom used to work for the IRL, so we take it all personally.

  16. Finally picked up "mystic". It's got potential. Its also bumming me out that the cross gen titles all seem to be limited series.

  17. Apparently the subconscious has decided that it's big bang time.

  18. Turned wintered garden beds into impromptu graveyard. Yay halloween! http://t.co/nVfDXwum

  19. HOOOOiME. cranky and sore, but home, and it is good.

  20. Seriously brain? Migraine? TODAY? I hate you. #ThankGodForSesameStreet

  21. Also, I have decants!!

  22. So the girl I tutor has a pregnant classmate. They are twelve.

  23. It's a tribute to Fassbender that he ALMOST pulls this off.

  24. So from what I can tell this AM, Gadhafi is either dead, captured, or on vacation in Maui.
