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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. The good news: Punk is feeling well enough to pester me f french fries!

  2. Meep. Punk woke up with 103.5 fever. Poor l'il bean...

  3. OMG this show is so much worse than I remembereed! #jackofalltrades "Touch my niece and I'll have Grg Washington cut off your cherry tree"

  4. I was right. Off the train and cooperating again. Thank god. I was getting worried... #imaginaryfriends

  5. Holy shit son, it's on Hulu!

  6. Punk stirring. Charging up cell phone. Departing to stock up on chocolate. BRING IT ON. ... after i get home, that is.

  7. Wind is starting to pick up. I am starting to panic that I have not stocked adequate emergency chocolate. Last minute walgreens run!

  8. We may have snow coming but I'm prayin' for y'all back Bloomington way. Stay safe!

  9. Oh, yay. Now we're officially hearing the B word up here. (Uh, that's "blizzard" for those of you smart enough to not live in the tundra.)

  10. BUT. Posted. Yowza.

  11. HOW DID I NOT KNOW OF THIS: http://bettermyths.blogspot.com/I'm in love with Ovid. Well, him too.

  12. I am fighting the ridiculous urge to have a "What should Wils ask Stian" poll. (And the reverse, for that matter.)

  13. POSTED. sheesh. I don't know what my problem is...


  15. Punk has now been screaming for 45 minutes. One tantrum after another. Ah the joys...

  16. I'd totally hit that. If she swung that way. And we both weren't married. :P

  17. Am I the only one who thinks Caracalla was kinda hot? ...for that matter am I the only one here who knows who caracalla was? yeah... #geek

  18. Altho come to think of it,"the witch and the wench" sounds like a great supernatural lesbian porn title...

  19. Why are men emotional idiots?
