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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Ugh. Fatigue is the worst part of this shitty disease.

  2. I need a new Ed icon, which means i need a snappy Ed quote. But he's not particularly prone to them.

  3. Hey you know what's awesome? Feeling like you have a sunburn over the entirety of your body. On the inside. #ImLying #BadDays

  4. While "cobalt" takes its name from "kobold". Yup, the little German fiends of miner's myth.

  5. I find myself amused that Depeche Mode is now officially Andre's soundtrack.

  6. Yeah, so I wrote an inception/tangled AU WHY NOT?

  7. Ooh, blue moon is flavor of the day at my culver's tomorrow. #YesIHaveAnAppForThat

  8. Man, I usually love The Onion but they're seriously pissing me off this week.

  9. Update up, short done, time for a wedding. But first, taking Punk to the park!

  10. Struggling with structure.

  11. "Joseph Gordon-Handsome" is my new official nickname for JGL. Also, this article is fabulous. http://t.co/24y5iirJ

  12. I could go a lot further with observations but I'm hoping to lure at least one or two of you into watching it. #spoilers

  13. too tired to do anything, too hungry to sleep. Up for cake. ARG. #ButAtLeastTheresCake

  14. Day full of plans and all I want to do is Write All The Things.

  15. Just ran into a guy in the middle of the woods playing mandolin.

  16. Well, crap. Just found out I can no longer donate bone marrow or blood. #WellFuck

  17. Debating just how many bombs to drop in this update. Which will happen eventually, I swear...

  18. And now to the Orchard.

  19. Next up, fish enchiladas and more of the writings. Then a busy, busy week as i prep for indiana. #topsekritassignment


  21. Breaking down, calling rheum clinic, and when they call me back, begging for more drugs. Whoompf.

  22. So it's back to the rheumy for me. At least this time it's only a ten day wait. Bad news: prednisone is a near certainty.

  23. Fifteen years after the first time I heard it "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove" still gives me shivers. #DeadCanDance

  24. At mall waiting for car to be done. Thank god for toddler play zones.

  25. I just had a convo with an 80 year old woman. We commiserated over how our arthritis was troubling us. Found it both depressing + HILARIOUS.
