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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. So once howl down is done (maybe a week? I... have no idea at this point) we're doing shorts again for a while. Taking requests nao.

  2. So that's two days in a row that I've sat down to write and been interrupted by #BPAL goings-on. #JeNeRegretRien

  3. So the girl I tutor has a pregnant classmate. They are twelve.

  4. So what I'm wondering is, What is a tat, and why in the name of God would anyone trade for one?

  5. SO when I said "Come hell or high water" Iiiiii clearly did not anticipate minor social crises. DAGNABBIT. BUT STILL WRITING AWAY

  6. So with some luck tomorrow may bring Rafe/Jack. OK OFF TO BED NOW SHEESH. g'night all.

  7. So yeah, my kiddo was born on the fall equinox, at twilight, under a new moon. #WITCHBABY

  8. SO. Who's doing WisCon this year? Anyone?

  9. Some days I hate having a uterus.

  10. Some kids have teddy bears. My kiddo has a teddy shoe.

  11. Someone at work may get on your case today about something you... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  12. Someone made an Eric Northman/Amy Pond vid. My brain just did extremely uncomfortable things. #WhenWorldsCOllide #TheyDon'tReallyLookLikeTht

  13. Someone should tell @joemanganiello that I would be happy to come to the gym and be his cheering section.

  14. SOMEONE WROTE FANFIC. OF MY STUFF. It was a ficlet, but IT COUNTS.

  15. Sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.

  16. Sometimes i think we're dancing around a question we can't ask yet.

  17. Sooo Rafe just told me if I don't start writing him srsly he's going to start waking me up with dirty limericks. AGAIN.

  18. sooooo Pinterest is basically tumblr?


  20. Sorry, imaginary friends. Too sleepy to play with you tonight. D:

  21. Sounds like my ex-boyfriend.


  23. Springfed pools in tiny towns: great joys of life.

  24. Srsly. Is this show some kind of anti-DARE programming? I am way too sober for this.

  25. Starting to consider installing a giant whiteboard. Also, I need a brain trampoline. Staring at an elephant, not at all sure where to start.
