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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Scientists should research why it is men suffer so much more from colds.

  2. Scrambled egg whites look fundamentally obscene.

  3. Seirei no Moribito = Favorite new thing.

  4. Self: stop going to pandagon. It just pisses you off.

  5. Sephora has a new Hello Kitty line.It may be the first HK product I :didn't:want. @#uglycolors

  6. Seriously brain? Migraine? TODAY? I hate you. #ThankGodForSesameStreet

  7. Seriously I may have to avoid tumblr for a while IT IS FILLING ME WITH LONGINGS.

  8. Seriously I would watch Ian mcshane read the phonebook. It would be terrifying.

  9. Seriously who wrote this episode?? If you can make naked Alexander skarsgard flat I'm deeply impressed by the depth of your mediocrity.

  10. Seven Sisters:part 5 is up. Pally gets bonus to turn undead.

  11. should be writing. Reading tvtropes instead. CMOA page for Jane Austen is making me lust for Col. Brandon all over again.

  12. Signed up for tumblr. Now confused and don't know how to use it.

  13. Since this is the worst possible timing for me to get sick... I'm getting sick. WhEE!

  14. Sitting around telling the "time I called 911" stories. Ah, high school.

  15. Snuggling on the couch with my best girl.

  16. So apparently the max dose of kenalog still only gets me 8 weeks. luckily its back to the rheum next monday. #rasuuuucks

  17. So apparently cold makes the joint pain worse. #hahahaOhFuckILiveInWisconsin

  18. So from what I can tell this AM, Gadhafi is either dead, captured, or on vacation in Maui.

  19. SO I CANNOT DECIDE. DO I WRITE: A) Inception / Jane Austen crossover B) RBE contest entry C) Greyson AU ? #Thinkformetwitter

  20. So I had sour cream and onion dip for dinner. That's what, like, two food groups?

  21. So I'll post hot pictures of ASkars half naked instead.

  22. So ill just obsessively tweet from my cheap cell.. Won't see any replies until later tonight but will get dms.

  23. So it's back to the rheumy for me. At least this time it's only a ten day wait. Bad news: prednisone is a near certainty.
