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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Rattlesnakes and buffalo are exotic creatures apparently. Growin up two miles from a buffalo farm takes some o the excitement out.

  2. Read Hellboy. Despair of ever writing a story so well.

  3. Reading a review of someone who sounds so much like an ex of mine that in my head, they now have his face. o.O

  4. Reading how spending 20% of one's income on rent in Victorian London is a mad extravagance.

  5. Reading of Swedish sources now shows that the charges against Assange, which predate the wikileaks far, are far more srs than press reports.

  6. Reading up on Mesmerism for Big Bang research.

  7. Reading wolf hall and loving every word. Gorgeous.

  8. Real Headline: "Alleged truck thief says he was on his way to wed Paris Hilton" I love Wisconsin.

  9. Realize something is stick to your bare foot. Discover you stepped on a June bug. Gag. #inauspiciousbeginnings

  10. Really kicking myself for not ordering blood moon fume and tee. #bpal

  11. Recent quote: "Head canon is cool and all, but Rafe does not have mutton chops."

  12. Reid says they have a deal. Paint me skeptical.

  13. Relatively healthy kid, stuff to do, play group to go to. Hey, world. We've missed you!

  14. Rewatched inception: even more ambivalent about end on second viewing. Still love it. Glad I can talk about it with keV now!

  15. Rewatching the episode "Methos". So much pretty on one screen... #highlander

  16. Rowling "hints at more HP"... oh, please don't...http://bit.ly/9Ye1zh

  17. RT @bethshepsut Mercury retrograde can suck a bag of dicks. // NO SHIT. Is it just me or is this one particularly horrendous?

  18. RT @Pres_Bartlet If you want to see how good of a first draft writer someone is, go to their twitter page. [Topically appropriate tweet.]

  19. Ryan Reynolds: I have an inherent dislike for you, but you were just adorable on Sesame Street.

  20. Sad to learn that I have eaten my last meal at Frida's. On the other hand, the meal was pretty disappointing...

  21. sarah jane is trending. ;_;

  22. Saturday morning dilemma: Berry Moon or Schehezerade #bPAL

  23. Saying "Which one? there were more than seven!" doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look like an asshole.

  24. SBTB has me realllllly want to re-read Witch of Blackbird Pond nao.
