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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. That thing where you realize that your AU is going to be ridiculously spoilery in ways that are hopefully apparent only to you.

  2. ...everything about 3.1 is creepy. #ATLA

  3. Aang and Katara daaaancing!

  4. oh WOW is this one sick kiddo. No fever, which actually makes it scarier. #ToddlersAreNotSupposedToLieStillWhenAwake.

  5. Dude is an astrophysicist. And hot. WHY GOD WHY.

  6. Listening to early tom waits, when he has a smooth and velvety voice, IS WEIRD.

  7. .@WISCTV_News3 Maybe not the best headline, as I'm left wondering why the legislation is banning fetuses.

  8. About to engage in radical hair experimentation. #hellooooooblue

  9. The results of last night's labors http://t.co/xxMc067

  10. Hubs came home to surprise me. WITH SUSHI. #WhyIMarriedHim

  11. Update up, hijinks are clearly about to ensue.

  12. Year's first batch of applesauce is on the stove. Commence house smelling like AWESOME in 5...4....

  13. Turned on heat. Calling it a "test run" to make sure the system works before winter really starts whacking at us.

  14. I'm having a dilemma: write Yev, or take a hot bath and crash.

  15. Nessun dorma = awesome. Toddler rocking out to nessun dorma = highlight of my year.

  16. As much as I'd love to see Walker go down in this probe, wouldn't that leave us with Kleefisch as gov?

  17. Update up, possible fist fights ensuing. Or not. Who knows. (Well, I do. But I'm not telling.)

  18. Sounds like my ex-boyfriend.

  19. Wow this kid REALLY hates pants.

  20. Is It sesame street canon that Gina is a lesbian?

  21. Clothing wars escalating. Now hair brushing is not permitted. I see a buzz cut in her future.

  22. Ok, I was thrilled with her choice. But I didn't even suggest it.

  23. Anderson Cooper in a trash can. #ILoveSesameStreet
