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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Plotting Christmas dinner! :foodyays: I'm thinking kalamata stuffed tenderloin with yogurt sauce...

  2. POSTED. sheesh. I don't know what my problem is...

  3. Postie post post!

  4. Posting goodies for @anachronistique, now time for Terra Nove before the meda knock me on my ass.

  5. Praying to the gods of toddler sleep. Aaarrrrrrrrrrfggggghhh

  6. Preview of new series up! "Howl Down the Moon" starts tomorrow. Probably.

  7. Promises , promises, Alan. “@TrueBloodHBO: The cast and creator of True Blood want you to know, #ItGetsBetter."

  8. PS: The girl was headed to the upper midwest, and Madison seems a not-unlikely stop.

  9. Punk discovers brownie baking. http://twitpic.com/599f4v

  10. Punk has figured out how to work Netflix. We're doomed. #sesamestreetforever

  11. Punk has now been screaming for 45 minutes. One tantrum after another. Ah the joys...

  12. Punk is transfixed by "Emma". Men on horses. #girlaftermyownheart

  13. Punk just ate catfood. And said "MMMmmmmm",#facepalm#mom!fail

  14. Punk officially likes baby goldfish more than cheerios.

  15. Punk singing long with Bush = highlight of my morning.

  16. Punk stirring. Charging up cell phone. Departing to stock up on chocolate. BRING IT ON. ... after i get home, that is.

  17. Punk's favorite character is the horse.

  18. Punk's new baby is getting a diaper change and a sponge bath. I'm dying of cute.

  19. Punky is now walking back and forth in the living room. She's not so much pacing as enjoying this new walking thing.

  20. Punky is up! Off to campus!

  21. Punky loooves penzeys.

  22. Qotd: "darling i am too stuffed to banter."

  23. QotN: "how did I get chocolate all over my bosom?" (answer: sloppy homemade fondue)

  24. Question # 2. A way that Love Goes Wrong? #8in8 Expectations.

  25. Quick, someone, where can I get a tri-corner hat?
