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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. One of those sad days where sleep must win out over writing. :(

  2. Ooh, blue moon is flavor of the day at my culver's tomorrow. #YesIHaveAnAppForThat

  3. OOWWWWWW now with fever. I see a trip to urgent care in my future.

  4. or i have a cold. i like my version better.

  5. Orchard opens september thirrrrrd :wiggle dance:

  6. Ordered my first #bpal weenies bottle! (October 2010) I let Kev pick which I would order first. Decants of 2 more (LA & All Saints)

  7. out for last beer with the houseguest. #sob #neverwanthimtoleave

  8. Out past midnight drinking with girlfriends friday night = felt better than I do today. Guh.

  9. Out with @cbqscavenger and enjoying a gorgeous night. And beer.

  10. Outside of his family and friends, of course. He seems like a nice enough guy.

  11. Ow. ow ow ow ow ow...

  12. oy.gonna just curl up and cry for a bit now. #whatamorning

  13. Oyyy I am old. Tired and headachy this AM. Totally worth it though.

  14. P101 just gave me a rage-out. Mom with kid with heart condition is SERIOUSLY considering CIO... AT FOUR MONTHS? Count the wrong.

  15. Part 3 of "The Seven Sisters" is up. Woooot.*faceplant* can'tsleep... punk will eat me..

  16. Pat and Neil G. crashed the Pratchett con this weekend. WHY DID I NOT BITE THE BULLET AND GOOOOOOOOO

  17. People may lean on you because you seem as steady as the Rock ... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  18. Phew, almost forgot to set out a beer.

  19. piccies posted! Title announced! And weeeeee're off...

  20. Picking out my outfit for the night out with the girls...

  21. Picky eating toddler just asked for thirds, so I think I'm not entirely unjustified.

  22. PIERRE! (@AmandaPalmer live at http://ustre.am/8Kwf)

  23. Plans for evening: wait one hour. Take nyquil. Aim for the bed.

  24. Platypus bear? Really, ATLA?
