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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Ok, so this update involves a lot of me making of fun of high magic. We're all cool with that, right?

  2. . @hokuton_punch You take Loki, I'll talk Hawkeye, and we'll do a cointoss for Black Widow. Deal?

  3. Your key planet Venus enters your 12th House of Escapism today... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIDkMwg

  4. Ryan Reynolds: I have an inherent dislike for you, but you were just adorable on Sesame Street.

  5. Memo to self: when queasy do not cruise the 'food' tag on tumblr. There will be food.

  6. "Jane Eyre would be much improved if it contained the line "Reader, I buried him."" ~Major Kusaknocky

  7. Your patience with a domestic matter may be stretched to the l... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIDkMwg

  8. Ya know what helps a shitty mood? Heavy metal.

  9. Fuck I feel surrounded by assholes right. Pretension to the left of me, insensitive tj the right...

  10. So apparently the max dose of kenalog still only gets me 8 weeks. luckily its back to the rheum next monday. #rasuuuucks

  11. You aren't interested in getting involved with a group of peop... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIDkMwg

  12. Dinner had, ficlet for @anachronistique posted, time for sleeeeeps

  13. Thinking Bill Maher is a colossal ass. Also thinking sky is blue, water is wet.

  14. Things I have to make. Possibly tonight.~~***HOT FUDGE PIE***~~ http://t.co/VmmJvs6a

  15. A review isn't a book report. Synthesize something. Tell me what you :think:.

  16. You seem to be moving at a snail's pace today, yet you should ... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  17. Confidential to @CBQScavenger: *scratches eye* *scratches throat*

  18. This time, the victims were primarily Muslim as Boko Haram took vengeance for arrest of its members. #nigeria

  19. Talking about going on an adventure might seem straightforward... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  20. You may feel as if you've rounded a corner and are ready to ap... More for Taurus http://t.co/cQh7dln9

  21. Hey, look at that. An update. And it only took me a month.

  22. Watching local columnists make idiots of themselves on twitter: painful, entertaining, or both?
