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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion.

  2. I am down the RUle 34 rabbit hole, people, and this thing has no bottom. *boggles*

  3. "life will kill you." #hotr

  4. Book seller, monkey-tender, barmaid, resin fig. cleaner, teacher. #jobsivehad

  5. He's a USAF vet, is in Castle, and is working to make alternate transportation a reality. @jon_huertas has officially made my top ten.

  6. PS: The girl was headed to the upper midwest, and Madison seems a not-unlikely stop.

  7. I remember when leaving for 2 days took me 15 minutes to prep for. Now it's an all day adventure.

  8. Is in Chi-town for Punk's first birthday party. Whee!!

  9. Rewatched inception: even more ambivalent about end on second viewing. Still love it. Glad I can talk about it with keV now!

  10. Living well really IS the best revenge.

  11. is seeing the wrong side of dawn with a kiddo who woke up at 1:30 burning up. Another mommy first. Yay!

  12. APparently, Punk ALSO likes Moulin Rouge when she's feeling poorly.

  13. Up! Caught up on sleep! Ready for action! Cato here I come...


    #twitchange makes me really wish I had a large amount of disposable income.

  15. Damn, twitter is hoppin' tonight.

  16. I am still up, 2 am here. Tomorrow is going to SUUUUUCk

  17. I am seriously rocking the sleepless altered state of consciouesness today.


  19. Wow, do people sometime surprise you. MV sent Punk fraggle rock dvds.

  20. Since this is the worst possible timing for me to get sick... I'm getting sick. WhEE!

  21. You know those days when you're convined everyone hates you? Bad day to have people over, I'm afraid.

  22. Signed up for tumblr. Now confused and don't know how to use it.

  23. Anyone else having catastrophic tweetdeck failure?

  24. I think tweetspam at @cleolinda 's place just got turned into a web serial. Anyone have any advice on starting one (@meilinmiranda ?)
