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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. If LJ crashed again, email me and I will email you!

  2. We need to give him time. One week, and then it's game on.

  3. NOoooooo LJ! You were there and now you are goooonnneee

  4. My buddy Arshad gets to spend the next 3 weeks working in Prince Edward Island. I HATES HIM.

  5. And no one is onliiiiiine :Whinge:

  6. As irritating as I find LJ downtime I find people berating the LJ staff on facebook about it REALLLLY irritating.

  7. I realize I'm just not as awesome and AP as she is, but sweet mama am I getting tired of it.

  8. .@PBmonkeyking Dankdanke!! My main writing proj. has a blizzard problem & i want to fix that while minimizing the risk of catastrophic fail.

  9. There May be something more awesome than watching kiddo and hubs pick green beans for dinner together. Don't know what it is though.

  10. kindle sale = stocking up on ridiculously cheap and trashy books.

  11. Woke up with chunks o manception park in my head. DAMN YOU @anachronistique :P

  12. Yes, husband, I AM annoyed that you came home at midnight.

  13. Long day. Long, long, long day. But good. :thud:

  14. Have now introduced hubs to Anchorman.

  15. Yes, I realize this is a bit.. off.

  16. I swear to god I am one more time out away from a complete meltdown.


  18. Working on today's update in bed, in case a nap wants to sneak up alongside me and kiss me on the eyelids.

  19. All good theories! I just find it... surprising that Jane left that hole there.

  20. I hate Jack Harkness with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. I hate RTD that much SQUARED.

  21. But I'm making him cosplay with me.

  22. Allie is in bed fake-sneezing. #OHMYHEART

  23. My verdict on google+: it's mostly helping me find ways to be even more neurotic.

  24. Just so y'all know, @CBQScavenger is the reason I can never run for public office. Unless I win enough money in the lottery to pay him off.

  25. I dunno... She id pretty hot... And is a geek.
