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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. "Birds of a Feather" has been my earworm for three days straight. I am completely fine with this.

  2. update up. Author clearly mad.

  3. ...so I'm allowed to take the money I saved there and spend it on the really cute knee socks I'll need with these mary janes, right? right?

  4. The forty pound weight on top of my head sensation ain't helping.

  5. Update up. I gave myself a sad. #dork

  6. .@CBQScavenger Ha, no. But it is shaped like a butterfly.

  7. No, seriously. Give me one thing to do and I can do it. give me two and I'll find two more and do NONE OF THEM.

  8. I HAVE PICKED OUT MY FALL SHOES. Finally springing for the Doc Mary Janes. ...yes, I know, you were eager to learn this fact.

  9. I find it funny that I never had a musician crush until my late twenties, and I met both of them on the same night.

  10. the animation in this episode has a very mike mignola vibe.

  11. Went out on "quick trip" to get pie. Took an hour and a half. I love my life and my friends! :D

  12. NECK-NAPE AND SIDEBURN PORN. :sighs: #mansfieldpark

  13. SO I CANNOT DECIDE. DO I WRITE: A) Inception / Jane Austen crossover B) RBE contest entry C) Greyson AU ? #Thinkformetwitter

  14. ok, that's one dilemma settled: no bristol for me. NEXT DILEMMA: do I go down to the e-ville garage sale?

  15. Do weekly Hans Matheson IMDB check. NOTHING. :cries a little: :not really:

  16. There is going to be a Dragon Age anime series? #keepingitallinside

  17. Sitting around telling the "time I called 911" stories. Ah, high school.

  18. Kiddo dropped with gma. I didnt even sniffle. Now drive back to madcity and get a haircut. #mythrillinglife

  19. That horrifying thing where you discover that dead skunks stink less than live ones. #ewwwwww

  20. update up, and all the readers say "FINALLY." Author says "And now is time for imaginary friends Haloween."

  21. Allie has now learned the proper use of "MY" "MYYYYYY BABY"

  22. August 22, baby!

  23. That thing where you're overwhelmed by sudden crushing insecurity about your work and want to run and hide and never write again. #insecure

  24. WHEN FANDOMS COLLIDE: TB's Claudine will be playing Sherlock's Irene Adler.

  25. Oh fml i think i just missed a chance to get into the rheum clinic today.
