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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Dancing w punk to Adam lambert and teaching her to do the Drunken Giraffe

  2. And a new Hellboy next week. Um, yes, I just now discovered ComicList. #nerd #butbadatit

  3. Updaaaate. And just in time. I hear a Punk singing.

  4. Cooking while dancing w punk to Abba. "Fernando" will forever make me think of bea Arthur.

  5. Ok, 'netverse. Time for sleeps.

  6. Praying to the gods of toddler sleep. Aaarrrrrrrrrrfggggghhh

  7. nooooo comic store, why aren't you open at nine! C'mon! Oh.. right... your clientele are not morning people.

  8. I may need to start keeping my bacon grease to fry all my greens in.

  9. update dance. Short one today.

  10. Io Isabella danzando nel prati verdi della primavera....

  11. .@CBQScavenger You may be six inches taller but I easily have 40 pounds on ya.

  12. Mr St. John / just bring your son...


    #1 reason I dislike time diffs: I just found an inception/fight club crossover and @anachronistique is asleeeeep.

  14. ...also I love that I use twitter to bitch about people's facebook statuses.

  15. I have a Moon of Horses and two RPB bottles coming. :bouncebouncebouncebounce:

  16. Fireworks seem AWESOME until you have a kiddo who A) is trying to sleep and B) reaaaallly hates loud noises. Esp. sudden loud noises.

  17. Husband made our daughter an email account so that "she" could text me. Awwwww

  18. ...my obsessively Alan Moore loving ex.) (Shut up, @CBQScavenger )

  19. The Virgin Queen has both Matheson AND TOM HARDY. WHY IS THIS NOT IN MY EYEBALLS RIGHT NOW?

  20. I think I just gave myself heat stroke. #woozy

  21. Til now, I always got by on my own... #Heart #SoOld

  22. oy.gonna just curl up and cry for a bit now. #whatamorning

  23. New Hellboy tomorrow. :wiggly puppy dance: #comics
