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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Hubs will be sad.

  2. Husband I am in the grip of a crushing panic attack. Now is bot the time to au phantom on the piano.

  3. Husband informed me that he thought Stian was based on him. ...we'll just let him think that. (He's more of an Ed.)

  4. Husband just caame out of shower with a mustache. Aaaahhhhhhhhh shave it shave it OFF NOW.

  5. Husband made our daughter an email account so that "she" could text me. Awwwww

  6. Husband out for evening, baby sleeping... is writing times!

  7. I actually DO really want to smoke my own bacon.

  8. I am amazed. Although still a bit annoyed that he doesn't realize that just because I'm a smartass, I'm still capable of being diplomatic.

  9. I am completely serious. I am having to sneak her bites of hotdogs in between dance moves.

  10. I am digging through the internets looking for maps of the Catacombs of Domitilla.

  11. I am doing a happy dance in my living room for a man I never met. I'm cool with that.

  12. I am down the RUle 34 rabbit hole, people, and this thing has no bottom. *boggles*

  13. I am evil, and am making my fans cry for Christmas. Only for a few hours, though.

  14. I am fighting the ridiculous urge to have a "What should Wils ask Stian" poll. (And the reverse, for that matter.)


  16. I am going to try reverse psych on myself. During naptime today I am going to do my nails and watch Avatar: TLA. NO WRITING. none. nope.


  18. I am having serious dress dilemmas, people. Flowy blue and grey goddess dress or funky red swing dress? #Weddingwardrobe

  19. I am literally doing the wiggly-puppy dance at the idea of going back to House on the Rock.

  20. I am nearly delirious. Already up for almost four hours. Uggghhh

  21. I AM NOT REALLY HERE. I, uh, just had to check my stock image of a regency negligee. #1k1hr BACK TO IT

  22. I am now following @McGarrysGhost so that I may continue may fantasy of living in Bartlett's America.

  23. I am now in the distinct minority in my mom's group as being one of two of us NOT pregnant right now. (Out of 7.)

  24. I am now officially more tired of Rapture jokes than I was of the royal wedding.

  25. I am out of cope for the week and it is only tuesday.
